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The poll results are in! We have about a 20% engagement rate and I appreciate everyone who submitted their responses.

The vast majority of people found Headless through Tiktok and none through the Webtoon itself.

The overwhelming, main draw for Patreon is NSFW content, though I shouldn't be surprised lol It's a lot of fun to produce, and I'm glad we have similar interests! The other offerings are less of a draw but I'm glad there's still interest in them somewhat (and hopefully I'm not just clogging y'all's feed). (Maybe that should've been a poll question: do I post too many WIP updates?)

For preferences, again, NSFW reigns supreme by a long shot lol The second choice varies. Patrons generally like the Tiktoks and Webcomic (I sure hope so!). And I'm surprised that the monthly wallpapers are largely dead last in people's preferences.

The reasons why people like and stay subscribed to Headless are pretty similar. They like the characters, it's a cute mix of cute and lewd, they enjoy the artwork, and of course the NSFW art lol That's exactly the vibe I want to promote, so I'm really glad my plans worked out!

Everyone is really looking forward toward Blender animations! I'll do my best to be patient and keep at it!

Reactions to NSFW and breast expansion stuff is surprisingly mixed (despite the aforementioned preferences). Some people love it, some people don't mind it, some people want me to change things up or go even further lol

In terms of new content, the people want more NSFW! (otherwise the current update flow is fine)

These entries have given me great insight about where to focus my priorities. These are my conclusions:

- The main webcomic will become less of a priority. While the webcomic is what started Headless, patrons aren't finding me because of it, neither is it a very high draw for people to become patrons. Each chapter is a good chunk of change to produce, and four chapters per month is pretty costly (when also considering my other concurrent projects). I'll consider it more of a pet project, and I'm thinking I'll produce 1-2 chapters per month.

- However, I still plan to produce other Headless webcomics. This will be a good opportunity for me to experiment with some NSFW webcomics and a Tiktok side series I've been long wanting to produce.

- Tiktok is my main source of exposure. 1) Nearly every patron has found me through Tiktok 2) Tiktoks are far cheaper, easier, and quicker to produce than webcomics 3) I can commission multiple artists without any conflicts. Tiktok will become one of my new main priorities, I'll try to produce more and post more often. Although we've had trouble with Content Violations in the past, I have plans to post Censored Sneak Peeks that don't actually *show* anything, but the implications will implore people to check us out on Patreon for the full, uncensored version.

- More NSFW! NSFW is my breadwinner by far lol I will make NSFW art more of a priority as well. I've asked my artists that if they feel inspired to draw any NSFW sketches, I will commission them! Otherwise, I always have plans of my own. I will try to change up the scenarios though. Pin-ups are always nice, though I would like to see the girls interacting with each other more.

- I'm surprised that the Monthly Wallpapers aren't very popular, though I am somewhat relieved. They can be pretty costly to produce, and I don't like teasing y'all with WIPs and can't post the full art until months later just so I can fulfill my Monthly quota. I will still plan to produce these rendered wallpapers though mainly for the explicit purpose of convention posters. Otherwise, I can produce less-rendered illustrations of other types of bonus art quicker and cheaper.

TLDR: Less main webcomics, but I will produce other types of webcomics. More tiktoks, more NSFW. Less rendered wallpapers, but more art.

Thank you so much for your responses, and thank you for your support!



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