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I’ve noticed that my latest TikTok about Jordan in the elevator hasn’t gained a single view for maybe 5 days now. All of my other videos are still getting views, even the really old ones. The privacy settings haven’t changed, so I wonder what’s going on 🤔

In other news, Hirvi is busy with a move so TikTok production is halted at the moment. But things are still churning along with Mssclio!


David DRWA

Probably a shadow ban. Just looked at your profile and I don’t see it on your page anymore. Maybe if you upload it with different captions it’ll go under the radar


Ah damn, that’s what I was worried about. Thanks for the heads-up. Maybe I’ll color Jordan’s shirt to better distinguish the shirt from her chest for the censor’s sake. Plus I also have an idea for a nsfw version 👀