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Hi all.  I hope your February and “Leap Day” went amazing.  Firstly, I would like to thank you all once again for your continued support of the project.  Without your support none of this would be possible.  I am very excited about the next chapter of our sissy adventures.  I am currently learning my way around the Godot game engine and I am quickly realizing that this engine will provide us with the freedom to create the sissy experience I have envisioned from the beginning of this project.  Full inventory systems, money and shop systems, different story lines and progression paths, different outfits and body transforms.  It is very exciting.  This will take some time since I am starting from ground zero but I have already started building out assets for the next installment.  Another thing this new game engine should allow for is the release of unfinished versions of the game, which wasn’t that possible using Renpy the way that I went about the development.  So look forward to some good playable sneak peaks in the future.   I will continue to grind on with the beginning stages of flushing out the main outline and story of the next game and the initial assets and will have something to show you as soon as possible.  Thank you all again for your continued support and please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
