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Hello all!  I hope everyone in the northern hemisphere is staying cool.  Relief from this Summer is right around the corner.  Hopefully. 😓  The work on (En-Fem_e No. 9 - "The Factory") has been charging full speed ahead.  I did take the opportunity this month to go back and add elements that were left out due to time or bugs I had not quite fixed yet.  I am very glad to be able to add in the section highlighted in this month's teaser video.  I know I have said this many times before but we are getting very near the finish of this project and I am very eager to get it out to everyone.  Thank you all so very much for your support.  Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  I will update you all soon. Love y'all. 



En-Fem-E No.9 "The Factory"

September 2023


Deus Man

Ready when you are! 🥰