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Hi all!  I hope everyone is safe and happy this April Fool's Day.  While the month of March 2023 has been tumultuous and trying on many levels, it has been a productive one as far as En-Fem-E No. 9 "The Factory" is concerned.  Most of development efforts this month went to finishing, polishing and debugging the maps used to explore the world of the upcoming game. The map you see here is one of the top level exploration maps.  It is still in need of some refinement.  As you travel to different areas on these maps you will be able to visit destinations which will have their own exploration map. i.e. Okama HQ, a night club, a yacht, a cemetery, a clinic, a government building etc. Unlike the first game, the sequel will be fully explorable once content unlocks.  This allows the player to revisit areas you have already explored to continue story-lines of unlocked content or replay areas  of the game that you wish.  At first the player's movement will be limited with more territory and better forms of map traversal becoming available as the story progresses. Thank you all for your patience and a very big thank you for your continued support.  This game has been very challenging but I am certain the effort will be well worth the final experience.  Everyone please be safe and take some time to be with the ones you love.  





Can't wait to see it


Just finished Reborn tonight, and it was fun. Looking forward to the Factory.