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Hello Everyone!  Happy early Halloween.  The month of September started off great for development.  I was able to get a ton of coding and rendering done.  Sadly, I had a death in the family this month.  I had to go out of town to be with my family.  Because of this I have not been as productive on the development of "En-Fem-E No. 9 - The Factory '' as I otherwise could have been.  I will say, I can put out a very tentative release time frame.  I am hoping (If everything goes to plan) to put out a release by the end of the year.  I should be back home in the next few days and will be back to work on the sequel.  I am limited to posting this from my phone right now. I will try to give you all a more substantive update as soon as I am back to my work station.  I hope you all are doing well and have a great October. As always, thank you all very much for your support of the project.

