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I'm not quitting, I promise, but here's the deal:

I might slow down on commissions for a bit, which means the only guaranteed audio that will be coming out every month is from patrons choice. I'll also be doing the one animation a month, or at least when I can depending on how long it takes for it to get done. The next animation I'm hoping to have done this next week/weekend, but I really can't promise anything.

Why am I slowing down?

Well the long story short of it all is that I'm really burnt out on audio by itself, but also I'm having a lot of trouble with my mental health.

Short story long, I'm dysphoric as fuck. I can barely focus on anything I have to get done. Hell even seeing porn sometimes is making me really stressed and wishing I wasn't, well, me I guess. It's really hard to put into words since I've never really felt like this before. I mean, I'm trans and have been trans for years, but actual dysphoria was never a part of that. I was just who I was because I felt that way. Now I feel like that's not enough I guess. I need to make the final "changes" if that makes sense. Sooooo yea. That, along with burnout, and the looming thought of college is making things a bit tough.

Will you ever pump out as much as you did before?

I think I might be able to get back to that, but the problem is that I've never really had a vacation from it all. I might need a break. I'm hoping maybe by slowing down a bit this month, maybe next month, it'll help with burnout.

Why are you branching so far into other content?

Because it's fun!! My burnout is primarily audio based, but the drawing, and the animation, and maybe even some writing here and there, all of that is fun enough that I can drown out problems and not worry myself into depression. I hope you all like it, because it's something I really want to put more time into

This is a little...idk, self imposed Q&A for bs purposes because I feel like I need to explain things xD I guess I'm a bit of a perfectionist...I feel like I'm letting you all down if I'm not pumping out a million things a day!! But hey, maybe I'll be doing that kinda thing here soon.

I might even do an actual Q&A later if you all are interested in that kinda thing xD It's hard to think there's people that actually enjoy this kind of stuff that I make still...I really really really appreciate you all being with me. 


Trystan MadWolf

Hey its okay, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say we appreciate you being honest with us. We love what you do and what you make. If you need to take a break then by all means we would want our favorite gorl va to be happy. Plus were gonna still be around, here and on discord if you need to vent or just chat :D I know I havnt been around the discord channel itself lately but im a bit...awkward when it comes to socializing in servers...but you can always talk to me if you need to get anything off your chest :)


Thanks hun c: I won't be stopping anytime soon, but I'll definitely be taking a break for sure for sure. After this animation is finished, I'd say probably a week or so I'll be vibing for me. BUT I'm super excited for this animation. Anytime I get to draw Pidge, I am habby