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I'm struggling with the tiers Dx I don't wanna make you all pay more, but I want to have better rewards for everything else. I'm thinking of a new way to do it, but for now I think every single thing I make will be $5. I think that's good. And then I might make other tiers that give you rewards if you're in them, like a $10 tier that gets you a free sketch, and a $20 tier that gets you a free lightly edited audio thing, idk.

I'd love to hear ideas for things you might want as rewards that you wouldn't mind paying just a tad extra for, but I don't really want to charge too much more overall for everything else I make.


Trystan MadWolf

honestly the ideas you had in this arent bad pidge :3 you just need to set a value for the amount of effort you put into your rewards to see what tier is best for them