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FSDTRW : Suck-O-Luxed Nora, Part 3 Of 3.

Release Date : April 30, 2022.



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FSDTRW : Suck-O-Luxed Nora, Part 3 Of 3.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 


Based on --> this! <--

Read more about the FSDTRW series HERE!



Deafening hissing filled the kitchen as the massively pressurized quantity of air started shooting out of Nora's wide open mouth, the sudden dislodging of the girl's lips from the vacuum cleaner sending her to eject backwards at massive speeds, her blimped out balloon of a body shooting  over the empty space of the kitchen like a punctured hot air balloon as each one of the redhead's uberly-blown curves and swollen body parts started now wrinkling and vibrating as they took weird formations due to the excess of air torrents trying to desperately escape through the most recent of her openings, being her mouth...


The concoction of jumbled sounds mixed with Nora's helpless moans resulted in a ridiculous cacophony of noise now shooting out through her flapping red lips, all this added to the hissing and to the occasional speedy bumps of her decreasing in size form, as her now rapidly shrinking rubber body was being ping-ponged around the large room from wall to wall and from the floor to the ceiling like a gigantic flesh-colored pinball, and it was in mid-air that the rest of the leaking air-holes on Nora's body started taking control of her flight - with her womanly holes now having turned to the primary thrusters of the Nora blimp's demise - before she started flying headfirst in to this paranoid course of deflation, her body parts becoming smaller and smaller with each passing second...


Her deflating blimp-body kept cutting through the kitchen air within sharp noises, as she kept leaving a trail of air leakage in her wake, her face fully in shock, still mumbling stupidity from her flapping lips, her eyes locked to her front in shock as she kept colliding on each surface with full force. Her boobs had now wrinkled in size like deflating pool pillows and her belly was now reaching a beach ball size from the previously car-size midsection she was sporting, along with each extremity on Nora's body that were now rapidly reaching their previous somewhat normal sizes and just as the woman's speeding course also started slowing down in size, so did her altitude in the kitchen and before she could realize she was going down, her body made one final air-twist above the huge vintage fridge, before landing on its base with a loud...


And all went silent along with Nora's vision, as everything suddenly turned to black...


The redhead moaned in protest as she was now feeling a new kind of pressure over the top part of her body, the woman failing to realize that she landed at the base of the fridge with such force that she got shoved under it like a piece of rubber, her upper body instantly being squished to paper-thin thickness under the massive device while the bottom part of her body was now fully deflated on the outside, the last remnants of pressurized air now coming out of her womanly holes like weak mists. And it was at that time that the whole fridge started shaking...


The furious voice of Nora started slowly echoing from under the fridge as like she had now gained some form of new-found force, the paper thin woman's top started lifting the massive thing up into the air, while she kept growling and greeting her flat teeth together, her flat face now strained and shaking as the fridge kept shaking and rumbling the higher it kept on getting while Nora's flat shaking arms kept pushing upwards...


The half-flattened redhead kept screaming, her squashed top now in full view as her boobs where flat, her belly was flat, her head was flat, her arms were flat, and her glance was locked on the rumbling device she was trying to lift, the cookie jar on top of the fridge now dancing and flailing as well, as it was a matter of seconds till it fell right off the edge and down towards her, the glass sounds of the precious jar reminding Nora of how important the cookies were, and as the jar started falling, literal seconds before crushing over her half flattened belly, Nora made some dizzy but very accurate calculations and extended her arms to the front, leaving the massive fridge to hover in mid-air but very successfully grabbing the falling jar...


The woman screamed in joy, the cookie jar now safe at her hands, before her phrase was cut short as she realized the mistake she had just done with a...



The hovering fridge came down on her with full force, squashing not only her already flattened top parts but also a large portion of her thighs and her whole midsection as her bulging thighs were now protruding from under it's crushing weight, and her arms were also squashed but with her hands still managing to keep the cookie jar in tact and out of crushing range, the woman's legs shaking and trembling due to the new added pressure in series of cartoonish gags that seemed to be endless that day...


Nora moaned in agony from under the fridge as the door slowly opened, revealing the top half of the squashed redhead as it had punctured the fridge's bottom and it was now flailing dizzily in-between the bottom food contents of the fridge, her flat head having cartooney stars flying around its top, her eyes crossed in haze as her squashed arms finally placed the cookie jar down on the kitchen tiles and in safety...

"Hey!!! At least... w-we still got... c-cookies!!!"

The squashed redhead stuttered stupidly from inside the fridge, her bulging thighs now twitching weakly still on the outside while her midsection remained flattened under the massive fridge...

But yeah, she was right. They still had cookies, and that's about everything you know... 








This is was great! I hope too see more cartooney stars and stuff in future female commissions! Keep it up! 👍👍👍


Thank you mate, glad you enjoyed! And there's always new cartoonish stuff in the makings!


this scene was soooo good, I'm so excited to see another artist making this! I would like to see others accidental inflation with suck o lux vacuum from you ♥