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FSDTRW : Suck-O-Luxed Nora, Part 2 Of 3.

Release Date : March 26, 2022.



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FSDTRW : Suck-O-Luxed Nora, Part 2 Of 3.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Based on --> this! <--

Read more about the FSDTRW series HERE!



Nora kept screaming, her billowing face now sporting a pair of cheeks the size of melons, her eyes wide and the constant buzzing of the vacuum cleaner now deafening to her ears as she kept feeling the pressurized mechanic excess of pneumatic force now being steadily siphoned down her helpless form with some immediate and rapidly thickening up results. Her boobs were now each the size of a basketball, all pressed down horizontally by her upper torso against the kitchen's tiles as her billowing fun-bags kept elevating her bloated head and back upwards alongside the stuck vacuum cleaner that was still lodged inside her mouth. Her midsection started overtly expanding and widening as her belly quickly shot out to the size of yoga ball and her red skirt was now impossibly overstretched over a pair of squished airy buttocks that could easily resemble a pair of floating aids, and while her legs kept thickening up below of all this mass, like a pair of inflatable poles with her red chucks sticking out and trembling at their edges...

* FFFFFFFFFFFFssssssssssFFFFFFFFFFFFFsssssssssssssFFFFFFFFFsssssssssssss... *

The hissing kept intensifying as now rapid streams of pressurized air were escaping nearly all of Nora's body holes, covered or not. She kept laying there on the kitchen tiles like a beached whale as the poor redhead kept getting fatter and wider at the air that was pumping her up like some multicolored blimp, her body parts now reaching new levels of extremes in the size department and her still unable to do anything about it but keep taking all that pressure inside of her like the inflatable champion she was proving herself to be. Her mid-scetion was now a rounded orb that was nearing the circumference of a weather blimp, while her limbs and extremities were cartoonishly fattening up with each passing second. Bloated arms and hands that had being severely puffed up, boobs the size of beach balls that were struggling to be contained in her ever-stretching purple top, cheeks that were approaching the shape and size of rugby balls while her eyes were now as widened as ever, her pupils still focused on the sight of agony being the ON switch that kept making the torturous device pump endless cubic liters of air inside of her without absolutely no way of ever getting the chance to actually reach out and turn it off given her immobilized and continuously bloated situation...


The redhead screamed as she was now feeling her backside being pushed upwards due to the excess mass of her gargantuan belly that was getting gigantic, her skirt now stretching apart over the massive surface of her inflated thighs like a red belt that was giving a brave fight to not rip apart. Her womanly parts were now fully gashing out torrents of air, the pressure inside of her finding every available way to escape but not even close enough that Nora's inflation would die down or remain steady as the woman kept getting more massive and huge with each passing moment. Her legs were now incredibly thick and bloated, like a pair of bean bag chairs full of bulges and shinny mounds of rubbery skin with her thick banana-shaped lower lips now protruding through the mass of her inner balloon thighs as they kept getting bigger and wider while her ass was now reaching new gigantic proportions on top of all that, her upper buttocks now bulging out of her skirt like a pair of pool rafts that kept being squished by the red fabric and massively swollen back that was now easily the size of a car...


The woman screamed internally as the discomfort throughout each part of her body was now climaxing as such a ridiculous punishment of UBER-bloated results would not even dare passing through her wildest and cartooniest of dreams. And yet there she was, previously thin sexy Nora, now a massively swollen blimp that was about to fill the entire center of the spacious kitchen with nothing but her gas-bloated curves while the Suck-O-Lux technology kept doing its best to further extend and widen her already ridiculously expanded figure to new record breaking measurements with every passing second...  


Nora now screamed with all her panicked efforts, her facial characteristics now resembling something out of a cartoon, with her eyes being bulged out of her rubbery sockets to the size of tennis balls and her cheeks having reached the size of volley balls. The woman was reaching her limits, her rubbery capacity, each and every part, every crevice, every tiny little space, every curvaceous spot in her entire form was occupied and overfilled with extreme amount of pressurized air that still kept pushing her bigger and bigger the more massive she kept becoming. Her hands had been swollen to the size of cantaloupes with her fingers all bloated like overstuffed sausages, her boobs were each the size of an exercise ball, her buttocks now resembling two round sofas on top and her midsection was a round orb of pneumatic excess more than 8 feet across as the woman's back was now nearing the ceiling from how gigantic she was getting, and with yet another set of panicked screams...



Her mouth got dislodged from the vacuum cleaner with a loud pop and it seemed as if time froze for the fragment of a second, before the huge over-bloated mass of skin and clothes that was Nora, started shooting backwards over the kitchen, in the inevitable deflation course that her UBER-flated body was about to follow...









I wanna see her deflate, hurry up! :D