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Emmie and Bob!

The rubber couple, the malleable couple, the vengeful couple!

It all started when Bob decided to flatten Emmie through a pair of roller and and then fold her and stuff her into a glass cylinder before compressing her down to the size of coin, but once she got restored back, Emmie squashed him flat sideways before shoving a hose down his throat and inflating him up huge before letting him deflate to a crumpled mess on the floor... 

But guess what, Bob is now restored to his normal shape too, and his hungry for revenge, in this cartoonish dwelling that shows no signs of stopping anytime soon!

Will be continuing this whole ordeal and at the same time announcing it as an on-going series (one round of comics per season and not per month) that will be called : Emmie and Bob, The Vengeful Couple!

And now it's Emmie's turn to get it! Whatever 'it' may be, thus the purpose of this poll...

So, how should Bob treat Emmie in this next revenge comic :


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