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FSDTRW - Mean Girls Flattening Scene.

Release Date : October 16, 2021.


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FSDTRW - Mean Girls Flattening Scene.

Based on --> this! <-- 

Read more about the FSDTRW series HERE! 


"Regina stop, please! I didn't mean for that to happen! Honestly!!!"

Cady yelled, both girls rushing out of the school's main entrance and now heading towards the street. Tension was at an all time high, as after all the recent gossip and sneaky backstabbing between the two for who would have been the most charismatic, the hottest leader of the infamous school gang of sexy chicks called the plastics, their rival had reached new levels and chaos had erupted after Regina found out that Cady had been feeding her fattening chocolates, while all this time she thought they were supposed to make her loose weight instead...  

"And what's that Cady?!? Trying to fatten me up like a beached whale, so you can get to be the hottest of the bunch?!? Bullshit!!!"

Regina responded behind her back, the blonde not even turning to look at the ginger, both girls now having stepped into the street and the rest of the girls observing the quarrel from the school entrance and at a safe distance...  

"I am so sorry, please Regina! Can we just talk for five min..."

Cady insisted, her tone growing more intense as she was now at the middle of the street, but just before Regina reached the curb she turned around with a sudden move and yelled...


The blonde screamed, as she started slowly walking towards Cady, the hot ginger freezing in place at Regina's sudden outburst as she begun to feel threatened...

"I have nothing to say to you, jungle freak!"

Regina added, each slow step closing in the distance between them as she was again out over the street, her widened angry eyes throwing daggers at Cady...

"Do you know what everyone says?"

The blonde continued, now even closer...

"They say you are a home-schooled jungle freak, who is a hot... THINNER version of me! NGHGHGHGG!!!"

Regina screamed, her words now coming out of her like some rabid animal's while she kept pointing to herself, gritting her teeth and stomping her feet with rage. If looks could kill, Cady would sure be dead, the ginger still frozen in place, not saying a word and just feeling the heat from the slowly approaching blonde menace who was literally out for blood, each step Regina kept on taking, bringing her further out into the open of the street as the whole world had gone silent for both of them and each girl was locked on each other's responses... 

"So, you can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hairy, ugly bu--"

Regina kept on raging, but it was at that moment that her words were cut short as a metallic behemoth, a black and yellow beast of steel came crushing upon her from the side, a massive construction steamroller that could only be described as unstoppable hit the blonde woman, who could only widen her eyes in shock and mentally prepare for the highly distressful and unavoidable...    


A loud cartoonish noise echoed from under the steamroller's massive barrels as everyone gasped from behind and Cady's eyes widened in disbelief, the massive machine missing her for mere inches, while the ginger stepped back in shock and her eyes felt on the result of the steamroller's assault... 

"OH MY GOD!!!"

The now one of the previously two standing young girls screamed, her entire body shaking at what had happened as she could not believe her own eyes. There, down on the cracked asphalt in front of the school, laid Regina George, the school's hottest blonde and the plastics' gang leader, now reduced to nothing that a few millimeters in thickness and about a foot higher in height as the hot blonde was instantly compressed under the massive steel barrels and was fully flattened to the shape of a slightly elongated but realistic-sized cardboard cutout of her actual self...


Weakly echoed from squashed Regina's flattened mouth down on the asphalt as the rubbery spectacle of her flattened form, still kept Cady awestruck and looking down at her from the side, unable to fully comprehend how such a cartoonish thing was even possible... All Regina's body parts where compressed flat in the sideways pose she was previously raging, her ass and boobs been a bit widened like over-pressed dough, her flattened face with a mouth and eyes all wide open in shock while her limbs kept wriggling weakly, flapping up and down from the street like cartoonish appendages...

"Reg- Regina... Are you... Are you ok...?"

Cady mumbled over her now flattened rival, not being able to believe her own eyes and receiving nothing but weak moans and grunts from the compressed blonde, as she kept observing her flat form in curiosity, unsure of how to act or what to say to comfort her her, still in an apologetic mood but deeply feeling a bit of satisfaction as how fate finally treated such an obnoxious behavior

At least now you are way thinner, Regina...

Cady thought to herself, fully immersed at the sight of Regina and, still standing amidst the street over the flattened woman and still not paying any attention to her surroundings, especially to a similar roar of engine that was rapidly approaching from behind her...


A random girl's voice echoed from afar over the school's entrance. Cady turned her head in confusion, it seemed like she wanted to warm her about something, she seemed frantic...

"What the h--"


Before the ginger could even utter her question, another massive steamroller, this one several times wider than the first, came rushing down the same road and over the poor standing Cady, hitting her in the back and making her fall to the front. Cady didn't even had a chance to scream, as she only got to wear a face of complete horror, before she felt her face meeting the asphalt and an extreme amount of indescribable pressure running over her entire body, as the steamroller run over her and left her spread and flattened face-first on the ground next to an even more spread Regina who after receiving the same treatment, was now thickly deformed and widened with her boobs growing out to the side of dinner plates, her face cartoonishly elongating, her buttocks and thighs thickening up and her arms becoming like black puddles...


Echoed in unison from both flattened girls' mouths as they trembled and twitched cartoonishly on the asphalt, while down the same road, a convoy of similar steamrollers seemed to be approaching and where about to roll over the same spot where the two flattened girl where laying...

"We'd better go back inside..."

The random woman who tried to previously warn Cady now anxiously said to the rest of the shocked onlookers, and everyone then walked back into the school while consecutive squashing noises started echoing in the background, and the street in front of the school was soon to be fully covered with nothing but an incredibly thin and extremely over-stretched layer of Regina and Cady... 






Mr. Mediocrebar

oh, this is way better than the original! looking forward to more of this series!


This was great! Definitely looking forward to what else you have planned for the series!!!


Awesome comic! I do wish Cady wasn't face down so her expression could be seen, but there's no complaining to be had with two flattened girls! I am eager to see what other female antics will come from this series.


this was actually amazing i get the idea now so its scenes that can/should end with toon antics


This was almost how I pictured it, only Cady would have been facing Regina with a similar surprised and flattened expression. :-D These sequences came out awesome. I hope there is more to this excellent series.