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Cheating Angie, Part 2 Of 3.

Release Date : July 31, 2021.


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Cheating Angie, Part 2 Of 3.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


* FLAAAPS!!! *

Angie's tiny flat body echoed sharply after Jared tossed her over like a multicolored paper towel at the shape of a mini-woman's cardboard cutout, the cartoonish sight of his previously vitriol-spitting girlfriend now helpless and reduced in ridiculous thickness made him smile in satisfaction as the tiny woman just sat there all pathetic and spread at the edge of the wooden coffee table he had in his dorm-room corner...

"Come on girl! What's wrong?!? Ain't ya gonna call me any more of those nasty names...? Hahaaa..." 

The man yelled over her, leaning in his massive face close to her and shouting in rage as poor Angie could do nothing but twitch and flap around in a series of goofy movements in her effort to somehow regain her bodily functions, but all she could do was further amuse him in her futile attempts. Her face was struggling, her widened flat eyes were rolling around in panic and her spread mouth could only moan and whine back incoherent sounds at his aggression...

"Still trying, are you now? Impressive... you flat bitch got some spirit in ya..."

Jared whispered at her moans but as he brought his face even closer to her, he started making out some very distorted words coming out of her mouth...

"NGHGHGhggggg... Lo-- NGhghg.... --ser... NGhghghg..."

His face then grew serious and his smile faded. He could not believe that even after he had squashed her flat, she was still struggling to insult him, to keep calling him names, to keep calling him... a loser! 

"You fuckin' bitch..."

Jared growled through gritted teeth, before reaching out and opening up his closet. What he fished out from inside was a literal wooden monster, a mallet of gigantic proportions, a tool that no sane person would even consider of having... and without giving it another through her stood over his flattened tiny girlfriend and lifted the behemoth of a hammer up with both arms before saying...

"Now THIS... will definitely shut you up!!!"

His voice echoed loudly, Angie's flat eyes instantly bulging out of her sockets in a mini wild-take at the sight of the massive thing hanging above her, her mouth opening wider in moaning protest but before she could even process what was about to happen...



The tiny woman's muffled scream was cut short when the hammer came down on her poor flattened body with extreme ferocity, the slamming noise deafening, the solid wood of the coffee table instantly forming small cracks at the solid wooden hammer-head of revenge squashed the tiny and already flattened woman into something way more cartoonishly spread and comical than what she had already been previously compressed into...

"Nghng... ngh..."

Poor Angie whispered in agonizing distress as Jared lifted the hammer's head to admire his handiwork, her entire face now widened stupidly, her eyes semi-crossed in shock and her mouth unable to utter any more incoherent syllables. She has been overly spread wider and way more thinner, with her limbs large and puddle-like, her torso being widened horizontally to 4 times her original width and a pair of flattened spread boobs that now resembled dinner plates and her name tattoo on her thigh now being expanded like someone used a bigger font on some typing program and plastered it on her leg...

"And in case you may be still feeling mouthy..."

Jared then whispered as he lifted the huge hammer once more up high, Angie once more looking up in wide-eyed horror at the destroyer above before...


The man delivered one more hammer-blow to his already cartoonishly deformed girlfriend, this time with such force that the entire corner of the table gave out in a explosion of wooden splinters and debris, it's leg breaking completely beneath the massive blow, that stupid coffee table remaining intact was the last thing in his mind on this continuous revenge-driven assault on his absurdly deformed girlfriend...

"Ha! Look at THAT!!!"

The amused Jared yelled out mockingly, as after lifting up his hammer from the second blow and much to his surprise, he found Angie now being stuck face-first on the hammer's side, wooden debris falling off of the sides as he brought it near his face to inspect her up-close...

"Looking better and better, babe... Heh!"

He said cheerfully at the sight of Angie's exposed backside, her entire shape now being extremely widened into something severely more disc-shaped as all her body parts were being conjoined in an effort to fill in the gaps and turning her into a ridiculously thin plate-shaped mess of spread out rubber skin and extremely strained clothes and hair with her distorted face now being fully cross-eyed and stretched from the inside and plastered on the wood...





