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Pink-Obsessed Faith keeps standing there, wide-eyed and in shock, as she stares down in confusion at the weird transformation that takes place all over her body! 

Her curves have turned from triangular to rectangular and are now widening like massive fleshy cubes while at the same time her entire physique is getting shorter and bulkier, her arms and feet are being rapidly transformed into wheels and she is about to fall over as her new shape will soon require for her to lay down on her belly, next to an increasingly larger pink toy car at her feet, as a result of her continuous shrinking!

The second part of the Female Toy-Car TF sequence called 'Pink Obsession', where Faith's body will start resembling more and more the toy car she has just pressed the front button, while she gets shorter and bulkier, is coming up by the weekend!

Stay tuned everyone...



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