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Huge Bitch, Part 1 Of 3.

Release Date : June 5, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Huge Bitch, Part 1 Of 3.


Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 --> Coming Soon!


"Not huge enough yet, not huge enough... heh..."

Patricia chuckled before lifting up her chin from taking one last look at the large bold writing at the front of her shirt, and observing around to make sure that everything was in place before she was about to attempt the unthinkable. Her fame and legendary achievements at being the most rubbery, the most elastic woman in the entire town, were common knowledge at that point. She had already inflated herself in public countless times since her late teenage years, the massive size and absurdly cartoonish shapes she could expand her own body parts and entire fame, were what she was famous for, but still she wanted more. The bubbly plus-size woman wanted to achieve sizes unseen, sizes and shapes unimaginable, her thirst for breaking the inflation records and gaining world-wide fame was unquenchable, and that was what this whole setting and event today was for...

"Hope you don't let me down, little ball..."

Patricia whispered with a smirk at the small ball she was holding, a small ball that had one of the most innovative blimp technologies up to date put into it. This small red rubber thing, could be instantly inflated to the size of a parade blimp that would - if the manufacturer's promises were true - put an entire row of ordinary parade blimps to shame all together. Up to 15 building blocks across was what they had promised, and that thought made Patricia shake and tremble in anticipation at how massive she was going to get once that thing was inside of her. All she had to do was swallow it, and just pull the chord...

"Well, here goes nothing..."

The balloon woman mumbled, checking once final times her surroundings. The massive steel ball - nearly the size of a small house - was sitting proudly nearby, the several metallic tons of its consistency about to make sure she will be anchored down once she starts floating above town and not flying off into the open blue above. She had rubbery ropes tied to her ankles and wrists, all four of them being tied to the massive weight, another guarantee that she would stay in place and immobile once she would be fully inflated and above the city-line, giving everyone a chance to marvel in awe at the extreme width and size she was about to balloon her body parts up to...


Patricia threw the ball in her mouth and swallowed it whole without waiting for another second, the chord and the rubber ring at its end hanging out from the chubby girls lips, and just as she made sure the ball was inside of her for good, Patricia grabbed the chord and pulled down on it with full force, the determination visible on her shimmering face...



Patricia gasped in surprise as she puffed up instantly, her entire frame instantly pushing outwards in all directions, the first wave of inflation sending her sunglasses to eject from her face as her expanded cheeks sent them flying to the front. She was ecstatic, she could not believe the force of this technology, how potent and aggressively her body was being forced to expand from within at such a minuscule amount of time even... Her eyes opened up wide in surprise, she lifted her already bloated arms in awkwardness, her belly puffed out to the size of beach ball, her thighs and legs got instantly bloated to the size of pool rafts and she kept feeling her entire frame rumbling and a steady hiss of gas now emerging from deep within her...


It's as if time had frozen and it was all playing in slow motion, as Patricia kept feeling the expansive wave hitting her every part as she kept expanding and inflating, her body being enraged at a terrifying rate and speed. Her sun-glasses were still falling from the initial ejection before her behind started resembling that of a bloated giantess, buttocks that each could only be compared to the size of an exercise ball, thickened up legs and calves that were impossibly bloated, the white elastic shirt being stretched around her widening upper form that kept ballooning outwards, with shoulders and arms the size of party balloons, her boobs sticking out the front like a pair of white birthday party decorations, both orbs stretching the 'HUGE BITCH' lettering to the front at a deforming but still very visible degree...


Patricia moaned in somewhat of a worried manner since she did not expect things to kick off at such a massive extent and not only 2 seconds into the whole thing, the inflating woman now realizing that she was not only growing thicker and puffier, but she was also inflating higher and wider at all directions. The woman was being indeed inflated into a woman-shaped parade blimp, an absurdly curvaceous parade blimp, with HUGE BITCH written proudly at the top front, and a wide-eyed bloated face of realization that kept being pushed upwards by numerous bulgy mounds of her own inflating body, before Patricia felt her chucks loose contact with the ground...


She screamed internally, the hissing and rubbery groans from all over her over-pumped form intensifying as the rubbery ropes were now following her ascension and the inflatable Patricia had just become aerial...








b b

You need to make more women parade floats and make sure to always include the hands and feet inflation for future posts! That's a fun detail not to miss!


This is shaping up to be my favorite! And I agree with the comment above hands and especially feet are an appreciated detail!