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Compressed And Squeezed, Part 3 Of 3.

Release Date : May 8, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Compressed And Squeezed, Part 3 Of 3.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 



The rubbery sound of Emmie's cylindrical sides echoed loudly in the hall, as Bob forcefully started forcing her freshly flattened and now neatly folded form inside of the glass tube he was holding, just like a poster that was being put away for storage. Her rubbery skin and clothes all screeched and protested at the grinding of the glass opening as she got shoved deeper and deeper into its opening, her entire form bulging and groaning around its edges as Bob had not managed to fold her thin enough to fit inside the tube with ease. That though, did not hold him back from persisting in stuffing his compressed girlfriend down its length, poor Emmie feeling another pressurized embrace now squishing her even tighter as the glass container was a bit smaller from the thickness her cylindrical folded body had to begin with...

"NGggghh!!! Should 've folded you thinner, babe... Don't you worry tho, i'll make you fit no matter what!!!"

Bob said between gritted teeth, the man huffing and puffing in order to make his rubberized flat girlfriend finally fit into the tube, his arm grabbing and twisting all the ways, Emmie's distorted body going deeper and deeper with each thrust, the muffled moans of distress coming out of the woman sounding hilarious and cartoonish, her - innerly buried between folds of her own body - face, contorting and frowning in absurd extent as she could still not believe the size and shape she was at, let alone she was still being squeezed thinner with each passing second. And with one final thrust, all through the pandemonium of rubbery screeches...


Bob's palm hit the tube's opening with a sealing noise, his face smiling in achievement as Emmie was now fully squished inside of the glass tube he was holding...


Came weakly from inside the tube, as Emmie could not even begin to describe the extreme amounts of pressure and discomfort she was feeling at that point, her new glass imprisonment amplifying it all to the new levels of strain...

"There! Now that was a challenge... But we did it babe! You are now fully stuffed inside!!!"

Bob yelled in joy, his one free hand reaching out over the conveyor belt and fetching what seemed to be a metallic thick barrel, a steel pole that must have been merely millimeters smaller that the tubes' diameter...

"And with THIS bad boy... I'll make you thinner and smaller than what what you could even ever imagine... I'm gonna squeeze you into the perfect shape, babe!!! The shape of a coin!!!"

Bob yelled before Emmie's eyes went once again wide in shock! 

Did he just say... coin?!? Does he intend on squishing me into the size of a freakin' COIN?!? I'm the size of a folded poster already for God's sake... How on earth could my poor body possibly take any more compression than th--



Emmie's panicked thoughts were interrupted and instantly replaced with a desperate muffled moan as Bob forcefully shoved the pole inside the tube and started squishing the Emmie cylinder down it's length, her entire rubbery form now being pounded and further squished downwards as she was being rapidly shortened in height towards the tube's bottom...

"Now that's a bit harder than i expected, babe... Nothing i cannot pull through tho... Hold up in there Emmie, gonna get you down to coin size in no time!!!"



Emmie yelled once more from inside her glassy confinement, her entire shape and size now reaching new levels of smallness, as Bob did another violent thrust on his pole and down upon his cartoonishly distorted girlfriend. Emmie squeaked and moaned  as this had to be the most extreme pressure she had ever felt, the most uncomfortable feeling she could ever imagine going through, her flattened and folded frame now being reduced to the height and thickness of just a toilet paper inner carton, her skin and clothes all crinkling up and being compressed to extreme density, everything folding on top of each other, everything getting narrower and narrower, and it was at that time that Bob put all his final efforts into one last thrust...


And it was then that the metallic pole met the bottom of the glass tube and the poor distorted cylinder of a girl completely disappeared from sight as it now looked like the whole metal pole was inside. At least that's what it looked like from a distance, because if someone took a closer look, they could just barely make out a multicolored stripe being severely compressed between the bottom and the metal, a very thin line of skin and clothes, barely 2 millimeters in overall thickness...

"Pheeew... Now that was HARD! Time to get you outta there, babe..."

Bob said with a huff, before pulling out the metallic pole and turning the glass tube so its opening was now facing the conveyor. He then tapped a few times on the bottom with his open palm, just as the multicolored object at the shape and size of tiny disc, feel straight out and started bumping up and down on the belt... 


"Gotcha, babe!!!"

Bob yelled in excitement, catching his ridiculously compressed and now tiny girlfriend in his open palm before falling off of the edge and brought her up near his face to inspect her closely. She was indeed at nearly the smallest size she could have ever imagined her, all that fit sexy body of hers with all those former curves, now being compressed by a series of cartoonish gags to the size of just a coin he could fit in his palm, a coin full or circular stripes of what Emmie used to wear, with her shiny rubbery skin showing from in-between the tight gaps and her incredibly pressurized face now an extremely pressurized of silly characteristics plastered on top of one of it's inner curves...


Emmie's tiny pathetic voice echoed from within Bob's palm, something more resembling a vibration instead of an actual sound...

"Oh i know babe... I know you like it..."

Bob responded with a smug smile on his face, before shoving the coined Emmie deep in his pocket and getting ready to hit the road...







Hehehe~ such a cheap attitude her value was equivalent of only a single 'coin' ;3, lucky for us on the 'flip' side of this she couldn't make heads or tails of her predicament til the end~ Though it's still good that rather than cave in to the 'pressures' between her and Bob she merely came off a little 'flat' in the end ;3 Excellent work hun!~

Justin Cristelli

This one feels really thought out.


The detailed description of her pressured predicament is what got me, in the story. Excellent sequences throughout the strip, with her final compressed body in the last panel brilliantly colored and shaded. :-D


Ok, I definitely prefer male stuff, but this whole sequence was a very creative transformation idea, so I gotta commend you for it.