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A Huffing Dispute, Part 2 Of 2.

Release Date : April 10, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


A Huffing Dispute, Part 2 Of 2.


Part 1

Part 2 


"...a LOT..."


Gina growled before bumping herself to Maira's front, all that excess of ballooned up flesh and stretched clothes coming in contact with the blue haired girls body as they bulged and squished around in cartoonish shapes due to all the air displacement, Gina's effort to once again grab the bloated woman's wrists and pin her down to place yet again, resulting in a set of rubbery screeches and airy curves being squished tightly between her own muscles and concrete, as poor inflated Maira was now trapped between her blue-haired aggressor and the gym's wall...

And after Gina struggling with Maira's ballooning resistance, she quickly managed to locate the brunette's wrists and grab them tightly, before resuming her phrase...

"... a LOT more room to grow, you stupid bimbo!"

The enraged woman yelled right on Maira's terrified and puffed out face, as Maira's eyes widened and her whole look became concerned again at the sight of Gina's mouth now re-opening as the woman started sucking in air, like the world's most determined vacuum cleaner, before...

* AAAAAhhhh--FSNKG!!! *


Maira screamed in shock but it resulted in a muffled moan as her already shut and swollen mouth, was once again met by Gina's punishing lips, both women's faces puffing out impossibly as four balloon cheeks filled both their visions. Gina was letting all the air she had once again huffed in, forcefully out inside of Maira's mouth, and Maira's already puffed up cheeks now exploded outwards like a pair of melons attached to her face, her eyeballs bulging out cartoonishly at the sudden pressure that was not once again forcing itself inside of her...


Gina moaned through her own set of puffed up cheeks, her hands impossibly tight around the inflating woman's wrists as she kept holding her balloon tight and up against the wall, her eyes narrowing with hatred both now locked with Maira's widened shocked ones as she they could both feel their swollen cheeks rub and bump against one another and air leakage could be almost seen escaping between the miniature balloon-hills they now had on their faces...


Maira kept yelling in panic as she could instantly feel her already inflated curves, now shot out in an expandemonium between her and Gina. Her basket-ball sized tits quickly tripled in size, before rapidly quadrupling and beyond, her poor tank top doing its best to contain both inflating behemoths, as her tit-flesh kept bulging and spreading towards every available opening between their tight hug, Gina's shoulders and upper arms now being half-sunk inside their very own personal boob-hug, as Maira's breasts kept expanding and ballooning outwards now against her own arms before quickly passing on to the nearby walls, like the balloon-under-tight-squeeze she was.

Gina's hands kept holding Maira's wrists tightly as both grasps soon started been engulfed by Maira's inflating hips and upper legs, tight stretch marks being formed on the surface of her impossibly strained yoga pants that kept on stretching and stretching in its very successful task of keeping Maira's massively ballooned legs and buttocks contained. Her previously exaggerated bubble-butt and thunder thighs, were now rapidly inflating into a pair of huge curvy legs the size of literal pool floats, her buttocks being both squeezed horizontally behind the poor woman against the wall, as they kept expanding upwards and downwards along its surface with Gina still holding tight and immovable to the front and locked in her blowing position. 

And it was at that time, when Maira's now entire form was so ridiculously hourglassed and bloated, that Gina's entire frame would be soon buried among the massive ballooning bulges around her, that the blue haired woman released her mouth-lock from the bloated Maira's face, stopped blowing and used all her strength to eject herself backwards with a cartoonish...


Gina literally flew for more than four feet in the air before landing at her feet, regaining her balance and standing to admire her handiwork...


A muffled moan came from Maira's overpuffed face, her cheeks bulging against the top of her now exercise-ball tits that were giving her tank top a stretching nightmare, while her thighs and ass finally revealed their true un-squeezed state once being free from Gina and the wall, both of them pneumatic pillars of massivity with a pair of beach-balls sized buttocks to match. Yet she was still managing to keep her mouth shut, the pressure inside of her agonizing and her size now cartoonishly absurd yet she did not want to sounds like a deflating idiot and give Gina any sort of more sadistic fun...


Gina yelled between huffs and puffs...

"And yes... now THAT'S the Kim K look you so desperately wanted to pull out but couldn't... You should be thanking me bitch..."

The blue-haired woman smiled in irony...

"Let alone i can use you as a horizontal trampoline! And who knows... maybe that way i can get your leaks to leak faster and get you down to a more manageable size, before... i re-inflate you again!!! Haaahaha..." 

She added, before starting to run against Maira, her overinflated hourglass target standing by the wall, a few squishy bumps sounding indeed lots of fun at the moment...







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