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A Huffing Dispute, Part 1 Of 2.

Release Date : March 6, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


A Huffing Dispute, Part 1 Of 2.


Part 1 

Part 2 


"Are you talking to ME, you freak?!?"

Maira spatted back, her finger vividly poking her chest in annoyance at the sudden remark she received, the gym music blasting over what seemed to be a fight-about-to-break-out. The woman placed one arm on her waist in a defensive position, her eyes sparkling with rage as she stood her ground and faced the woman who clearly was not friendly at all...

"Sure i am talking to you, you dumb whore... Do you see any other bitch around here?"

Gina responded in aggressive alert, the blue haired punk girl watching Maira's face growing more enraged by the second, her slurs echoing loud and clear in the empty yoga hall, before continuing...

"What the hell is your problem, bitch? Don't you see i am trying to do my stretching? Out of all the empty space in this gym and you came here in this crammed little corner between me and the wall... You think you're some piece of hot-shot, Kim K material thot and everyone should either drool over or be envious of you, is that it?!?"

Gina's words echoed even more aggressively as the brunette's eyes in front of her were now beaming with fury. Maira lowered both her arms, tightening her fists as metaphorical rage-fuming could be seen coming out of her ears. No one had ever talked like this to her. She clenched her teeth and remained silent, her eyes now throwing daggers at her verbal attacker...

"Aww... Little princess got offended... You are not gonna cry now, are you... slut?"

Gina continued, Maira's rage building up, the black haired girl now literally shaking out of rage...

"Look at you... You don't even have what it takes to pull that look out, pathetic..."

The blue haired girl said, pointing at Maira's body parts and specifically her somewhat modestly sized curves, tightly hugged by her grey yoga pants and matching tank top. She was right, Maira could not be considered curvy. She certainly was sexy but Gina's remark hit some specific nerve deep in Maira's desires, some ever present lust for having a curvier body, a sexier... thicker body...

"Don't give me that 'I am happy with how i look' bullshit kinda look, you ain't fooling me! The look you so desperately want to have is freakin' obvious, bitch... And the disappointment on your face shows that i must have stricken some serious nerve, now didn't i? Hehe.."

Gina continued, now with a victorious smirk on her face as she could swear she could see Maira's eyes becoming wet and the first tear that was about to fall...

"You know what... I think i can be of some help, give you that little... boost, you so deeply desire..."

The blue haired girl said before starting to take small but determined steps towards Maira, the black haired girl now slowly raising her arms defensively before...

* SMAAACK!!! *

Gina smacked Maira's arms, grabbing them tightly and pinning her in place before bringing her face close to hers...

"Maybe some hot air is all you really need, bitch..."

She whispered with a smile, before leaning backwards as if preparing for some sort of attack while at the same time taking in a rather fair quantity of air through her open mouth...

"You fuckin' bitch! I'm gonna rip that blue hair right off of your stupid h--



Maira started yelling while Gina kept holding her arms down, but before she could even finish her sentence, Gina's entire upper body launched forward like an attacking cobra, the blue haired girl's lips shooting straight for the black haired girl's ones before their mouths shutting tight together, and before Maira could even comprehend what had happened, Gina started forcefully exhaling all that air she had previously taken in, now into Maira herself, the poor girl's eyes going wide in shock as her cheeks puffed out considerably...



Maira screamed through her puffed face, her muffled vocalisms being blocked by the powerful pneumatic thrust coming from Gina's lungs as a pair of swollen cheeks were now rubbing against one another and a pair of determined eyes were locked deeply with a pair of widened and frightened ones. This was not an actual kiss, nothing sexual or romantic... This was a literal blowkiss! A woman having planted her mouth against the mouth of a woman shaped balloon that was about to start inflating... and so did Maira do!

The first effects were immediate as the air started working its way down from Maira's bloated face to the first available fun-bags on her body, her boobs!  Both of them started bulging outwards and swelling up like a pair of rubbery balloons that kept bumping and rubbing against Gina's chest, resulting in Maira's side-boobs to bulge outwards against her armpits while Gina kept emptying her pneumatic punishment in the inflating girl. Next was Maira's bottom as the air kept working its way inside of body, now making a comfortable stop at her butt, as with nothing obstructing them from behind, both buttocks surged outwards like a pair of volley balls and her thighs thickened up like a pair of pool floating aids...


And it was at that moment that a set of cartoonish happenings took place all at once. Gina stopped blowing and moved backwards a bit, detaching from Maira's lips as the panicked woman automatically forced her mouth shut, her face trapping all the blown air inside of it before Gina pushed her with both hands against the wall... 

* THUUUUUMMMPPPP!!! * bump... * bump... *

Maira's inflated butt bounced against the wall, displacing the air from her buttocks up to her breasts, both of them FWOOMPing at the same time and stretching her tank top impossibly around them as they now b@lged from every opening like a pair of suffocating fleshy balloons, before the balloon doll resembling woman stood still against the wall, trying to regain her balance with all that extra volume she had gained, cupping her newly bloated hips and boobage in shock, and still holding all that air inside of her as she kept trying to realize what had just happened to her...

"Now... that IS an improvement!"

Gina said, admiring her curvy masterpiece against the wall, Maira's arm still touching and squishing her overly hourglassed figure in confusion and in between moans of distress...

"But there is definitely room for more..."

The blue haired girl continued, before starting to walk towards the inflated woman, her eyes still locked on her balloon's valve, meaning Maira's plumpened lips, as she prepared for another deep inhalation...









My oh Maira~ such a diabolical meet up~ at this rate our haughty airhead, will be nothing more than hot air with her inflated ego~ ;3 Lovely work hun~I especially love the name choice and tone~. . . Hopefully I can take advantage of it in my part 2 comments ;3


Glad you enjoyed, mate! In the second part she'll get massive!


The polls have spoken : Method is mouth-to-mouth blowing, final shape is extreme hourglass inflation.