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Tank-Throated, Part 2 Of 3.

Release Date : February 6, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Tank-Throated, Part 2 Of 3.


Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 



Brenda's panicked repetition of the same words echoed alongside her fast footsteps as she bumped around the staircase corners and literally flew over the marble stairs in pairs in her effort to get down to ground level and out the front entrance of her building like a child running away from the boogeyman. She had to help that expanding woman... she just HAD to pull that stupid tank out of her mouth and apologize before any more unfortunate things would come out of this whole stupid mishap...

* THUD!!! *

Brenda landed near the entrance with a loud noise after having literally jumped over the last 5 steps in one go, an started running out towards the pavement...

"Shit-Shit-Shit-ComeOn-ComeOn-ComeOn!!! Hold up lady, i'm almost there!!! I'll pull that stupid thing out of your mouth in no tim--HOOOOLY CRAP!!!"

The huffing woman yelled before freezing on her place just outside the entrance of her building, her mouth dropping wide in shock at the sight she was witnessing, her eyes going wide, the spectacle in front of her something incredibly absurd and cartoonish...


Monica moaned in absolute distress, the sound of her own voice mixed with the audible hissing from the tank that was stretching her mouth to the diameter of an actual dinner plate, the sound reverberating inside the hollow but now even more puffed out mega-cheeks of her deformed face as her eyes turned backwards in her futile effort to detect the female voice that gasped. The brunette could not move, she could not even bend her head as it was pinned from the tank to look straight up in the sky while the massive metallic thing kept emptying its gassy contents inside of her body. Brenda kept watching in frozen shock, the sight having blocked every attempt at the quick rescue she was previously planning, her eyes not able to believe that this assembly of swollen curves to her front were these of an actual woman and not some rubber prop that was being inflated for some kinky parade of some sort...


Monica yelled again, as if trying to scream 'WOULD YOU FUCKING HELP ME OR WHAT?!?' to the girl behind her swollen back, but Brenda was still unable to process what she was seeing...

"How in the hell..."

Brenda whispered to herself before starting to take hesitant steps towards the expanding Monica, her eyes inspecting every element of the swollen sight that was about to block the entire width of the pavement. Monica's buttocks were like a set of beach balls that someone had stuffed tightly inside her blue yoga pants, a pair of inflated legs the size of thick tree trunks supporting them from beneath, as her bloated arms were flapping helplessly right above, shoulders the thickness of pool floats and a pair of inflated cheeks on the brunette tilted head that could only resemble two rugby balls. Brenda gasped once more as she saw the edges of Monica's massive belly being filled up like a weather balloon, the skin colored blimp extending from the sides of her expanding buttocks and from in between her massive legs like a behemoth, but the most impressive was the pair of airy breasts that stood on top of it, and were now being extending upwards around the swollen mass of her face and closing in on the red tank shoved inside of it. She kept observing the rising mounds that were Monica's tits as they rose and bulged around the impossibly stretched fabric of her tank top that was digging deep into her inflating shinny skin literally like a pair of ropes ready to tear apart...


Monica's muffled scream made Brenda gasp for yet another time as the girl snapped out of her trance and resumed her hesitant pacing towards the ballooning woman. She could not believe she was doing this... she could not believe what she was seeing with her own two eyes! She could actually see Monica get wider and larger, puffier and taller with each step she took closer to her... Tits the size of exercise balls, a round belly and midsection that was soon about to overflow into the street before bumping on the glass from the nearby building, the pavement long lost beneath the thick shadow the inflating woman was casting. Monica kept moaning and screaming through her massively swollen face, through a pair of cheeks that were larger than water melons, her eyes bulging upwards in shock from what was happening to her, as besides the incredible pressure that was building up inside of her, she slowly started feeling her feet lose contact with the pavement, and this filled her already air-filled head with even more dread...


Monica started now yelling in rage through the tank-blockage stretching her mouth, the floating sensation making her panic way more as the helium inside of her massive frame was now enough for her to start her ascension like a proper blimp at that size...

"Oh, no you won't!!!"

Brenda yelled in determination after seeing Monica's bloated feet leave the ground. There was no way she would let that woman float upwards, she had to do something! And with that she charged towards the ballooned up Monica...




