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The Dollifier, Part 2 Of 2.

Release Date : January 16, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Part 1 

Part 2 


The Dollifier, Part 2 Of 2.



Leah felt an unprecedented rush washing over her as by now she knew she was about to turn into that one thing she always wanted to be, that one object... A fully inflated blow up doll! Through all the floppiness and the handling she was still being put through by her mechanical captors, she managed to see that there was a change taking place right at her abdomen. Her eyes went wide as she noticed the black hose not only lodged firmly at her newly formed inflation navel - just where her belly button used to be - but that it was steadily and rapidly pumping air inside of her flattened rubbery body, her whole doll-like expression getting way more excited as she started noticing one by one, several of her body parts as they started regaining their 3d composure but now filling up with air as they kept popping back to volume...

Her belly was now getting puffier and rounder as the air started working its way downwards and upwards inside of her hollow form, filling her up like the rubbery sack she was now turned into. Her buttocks rounded out from behind her, and her thighs and breasts started regaining volume and size as she actually witnessed her shinny rubber skin stretch and strain around the bulges that were being formed by the traveling air that kept massaging her insides...


All five clamps were still handling her in suspension above the Dollifier metal base as the air kept thickening her up and making her look puffier and puffier by the second. Leah's thighs, shoulders and upper arms were being inflated like pillowy balloons, making her limbs look quite comical and cartoonish at their half bloated state, but her torso was now fully bloated and her boobs were the size of volley ball each, her plastic nipples shinning and protruding at their designated spots like pink jewels, and she was still being rotated mid-air, now looking fully upwards and absolutely surrendered to the euphoric ecstasy that was taking over her...


She moaned through her blocked mouth, her lips now fully stretched to an O shape and the plastic soft interior of a sex doll's mouth now filling her mouth impossibly, another shinny and inviting target for the first lucky one that would get to show her some love by using her facial entry. That thought made her tremble in anticipation, every sensation at what was taking place at her body made her tremble at that moment. She was being inflated like doll, she was no longer a woman, she was a hollow rubber object that was being pumped full of air and destined only for pleasure and fun handling... The levels of bliss were reaching new critical reds, and Leah could not even start to process the amount of fulfillment by this whole ordeal, but it was at that moment that something even more interesting happened...



With an abrupt coordinated move, all five clamps opened up at the same time, releasing their pressure on Leah's semi-flated limbs and head, resulting in all the air instantly being displaced alongside the rest of her body with a loud FWOOOMPH! Her arms and legs became full and stiff, her head puffed out with her cheeks swelling up at its side as now she was now fully inflated to capacity and floating momentarily in mid-air, before...


Leah's dollified and ballooned up body, landed on top of the Dollifier with a cartoonish thud, her limbs spread in all directions and her head looking wide-eyed into the high industrial ceiling above her. The clamps retreated back to their hidden doors leaving her all bloated and resting helpless and still inflating by the navel hose that kept its steady rapid infusion of air inside of her...

This isn't right...

Leah thought to herself still in ecstasy but now equally in confusion. She knew she was already inflated to full capacity, she felt it all over, though the air did not stop entering her and she kept getting larger and wider at the same aggressive rate, if not even stronger. In utter shock and distress she kept watching the plastic mounds that were her boobs, triple and then quadruple in size right before her widened eyes and bloated cheeks, as they rose up higher and higher into the air like a pair of inflated beach balls with nipples on top. Her thighs were getting impossibly thickened as well, the air still forcing its way inside of them and her massive buttocks and legs, her widespread inflating position making her look like some movie prop blimp that was left unattended while she was supposed to only be at least half that size she was already at...


Leah screamed internally as she could only moan through her cartoonishly bloated face and widened eyes that were half popping out of their rubbery sockets, while her entire frame was now resembling a miniature parade blimp, a nude woman-shaped balloon that had the curves so thick as straight out of a parody, with boobs the size of weather balloons and legs the width of small cars while the Dollifier bed now kept looking smaller and smaller in comparison to the inflating behemoth of top of it...

And the dollified Leah kept getting bigger and bigger, her unspoken pleads echoing only inside of her panicked head till someone either came and stopped this whole mishap or she popped into a thousand rubbery pieces like the inflatable doll she had always wanted to become...







I gotta say, of all your work, this is seriously my top favorite. I especially love the detail, such as the love doll vag being shown prominently. Great job!