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When Feeling Blue, Part 1 Of 3.

Release Date : January 2, 2021.


Statement : If you enjoy my art and want to help me in creating more, please consider NOT sharing this above sequence outside of Patreon before a full month has elapsed from the release date!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 --> Coming Soon!


When Feeling Blue, Part 1 Of 3.


"What's this? A hidden playlist?"

Bianca wondered while scrolling down on the music list of files stored on her phone. The stunning blonde frowned in confusion as she did not remember ever adding such a file there, especially one named "Expansive ASMR Playlist". She then looked up in the scenery after having just sat on the bench during her afternoon stroll, her long blonde pigtails swaying in the breeze as she did so. That park was her favorite place in town, endless grass and tree lines for as far as the eye could see. She smiled and took in a deep breath, before plugging her earphones. Being one of the agency's top models and with her work schedule being literally exhausting, Bianca needed some time off. And despite not being able to leave town for a few days, this Saturday afternoon in her day off was the perfect opportunity for her to kick back and enjoy some peaceful time out in the open, away from the busy hustle and the noise. The blonde then focused back on her phone, the word 'expansive' in the playlist's title, making her start to guess what this could be all about...

"Maybe it's some new-age spiritual tunes... Not a big fan, but i must admit it fits the occasion like a glove..."

She murmured to herself before tapping one long red-nailed finger on the playlist, the file's contents now visible as she started reading through the various names of songs on the list...

"Sky Is The Limit, Floating Free, Pneumatic Bliss..."

She read through some of the first titles, now being even more curious as to why would anyone name some songs like that, before her eyes fell on a somewhat interesting title...

"When Feeling Blue... Hmmm, wonder what this is about... And i do feel kinda blue lately, let's see..."

She said, before tapping the song. A slow uplifting melody started fading in through her ears, as she placed the phone next to her on the park bench and placed her hands on her knees, where the tops of her leather knee-high boots started revealing her thighs. Bianca smiled, that tune was so smooth... so relaxing...


The blonde exclaimed, eyes still closed as this was the perfect soundtrack for such an afternoon. It was at first subtle and she could not really focus on the building frequencies that were being added next to the main tune of the song, but some pretty weird organic noises were coming and going every few seconds, each time sounding louder and louder over the main balance. It sounded like something wet, something sloshing and splashing around in a container of some sort, not like water or any light liquid. This sounded like something dense, something thick and sticky. Bianca felt attracted to this sound. She did not know what it was, or how she felt the urge to keep listening to it but it was like an acoustic magnet, like a metaphorical spell that one could break free off. And the more the main tune kept fading away over the splashes and the liquidy turbulence, the more Bianca felt hypnotized by it...


The blonde cooed, before lifting up her arms to adjust her hair, her palms caressing her forehead as while the sound kept intensifying so did a flustering sensation in her face. She was suddenly feeling hot and sweaty, a thermal concentration building up specifically at her nose as she opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. She did not know what was making it, but she was sure that sound had something to do with it. What the girl did not know, was that gradually and at a considerable pace, her skin had started changing color, and by the center of her nose it was spreading out to the rest of her beautiful face and down her throat to her torso. Then her black shirt started feeling a bit tighter around her chest and she turned her gaze down to her cleavage, only to gasp at what she witnessed...


Bianca yelled in shock as through the opening of her shirt she saw that her boobs were now turning into a dark shade of blue. She lifted up in her arms in confusion only to realize that them too were changing color rapidly. But besides the color, what made her eyes widen in shock was that her boobs has expanded to at least three times her normal size, and her shirt kept getting tighter tighter around them as they still kept on expanding. The blonde started panicking, now certain that this was some kind of reaction to the sloshing sounds that were still flooding her ears, but as she picked up her phone to stop the track from playing, she found herself unable to tap on the right button. Her finger just momentarily hovered over the stop icon, as she felt a deep seated urge to not press it, to keep hypnotically listening to this weird assembly of wet sounds like a unwilling puppet...


Bianca yelled even louder as she then noticed down her thighs, both of them gradually changing into that same dark shade of blue as the rest of her body, but what truly amazed her was the fact that both her thighs had now been ballooned up like pool floats. She felt the same tightening sensation around her midsection as her buttocks and hips kept widening and expanding outwards where she sat, stretching the leather of her short skirt around her rapidly growing booty as those same sounds kept resonating over and over in her ears...

"Gotta... break... free... gotta... break... fr--MPHPH?!?"

Panic then started to really kick in and Bianca started groaning and huffing but before she could utter another phrase, she felt her mouth filling up with something gooey and sticky, something sweet... He cheeks started puffing up as she tasted blueberry juice in her mouth, the horror washing over her as she now realized what the blue in 'When Feeling Blue' stood for, and that she was being rapidly inflated with juice!


Bianca yelled through shut lips, the juice swelling up her face more and more as she stood there all horrified in the bench, her arms dangling up and down in helplessness while her entire body was now being fiercely filled up with juice. Her boobs were now the size of beach balls, a pair of blueish orbs that had her black shirt stretched around them impossibly while her buttocks and legs kept thickening up from below, like a pair of waterlogged blue floats, all bulgy and overflowing the edges of her leathery skirt, while her behind was soon to cover more than half of the sitting space of the bench. Stains started appearing around her engorged nipples as it was apparent she was leaking the damn thing from each and every available bodily orifice, and the leaks from her lower holes were spreading spilling from the edges of the wooden seat and started accumulating in small puddles below the bench...

She HAD to get up... She just HAD to get the FUCK UP...

With a move of pure determination and still unable to escape her hypnotized trance and stop the track from playing, Bianca stood up like a curvy colossus, her boobs now the size of party balloons as they bounced up and down heavily with all that incredible weight they were being filled with, her legs a pair of blueish bean bag chairs with an ass that could only be compared to a pair of exercise balls and her leather boots being incredibly tight around her gargantuan, juice-filled calves. Her standing position now exposed a new area, a new filling opportunity for the juice that she was internally producing, her belly! 


The blonde yelled through her swollen leaking face, as her gut now joined in on the ordeal, the sudden release from her sitting position and a skirt that was soon to resemble a belt - at how thinly stretched it was getting - made her belly bulge outwards as the juice that was now leaking from her womanly holes was forming a thick puddle of blueish liquids on the grass beneath her massive shadow...









This is really good quality blueberry content! Excited to see the rest of it.


Glad you dig mate! Put all my efforts into it, and in the next parts things are gonna get really massive...


Panel 4 and 5. HOLY SHIT. My fave parts of this part. Those hips a juicy af.