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These past months were weird, to say the least. With a family situation that required nearly everyday visits to the hospital, and with me not being able to deliver new work - besides some few private commissions - i feel like i can now finally get my Patreon account back into action. And despite giving you all a heads up on my Patreon hiatus and letting you choose if you would keep supporting me during this period without anything in return, a fair portion of you people (more than half!) decided to stay...

Well, i cannot find the words to express my gratitude for this. I simply cannot.

This craft of fetish-morphing is my main source of income, and all my efforts have been always going into treating it responsibly and punctually by providing a 4-6 parter sequence each and every week since i joined here, back in '19. So, and to my utmost surprise, seeing that during these past two months that i have not been able to provide, a lot of you kept pledging and supporting the man behind the page, especially since my hands were tied by family obligations and my living expenses kept running, is something that has me moved beyond words...

Thank you. Truly and honestly.

I got all your names noted down, those who stayed here during October and November. And once this account gets back into full working mode and i get some free time, all of you will be privately receiving some small special gifts through the messaging system. 

Every single one of you, and this IS a promise.


So, after these two months of deadly silence my Patreon account is about to re-ignite its engines and start pumpin' one sequence after another!

Long and extended polls for all tastes and preferences will start being posted from December 1, 2020. During the 2-3 weeks period that these polls will be taking place, i have a very special sequence in mind to keep you all happy and occupied while we get to decide what our next set of sequences will be for the first couple of 2021 months!


A reminder on how my Patreon account works and what you get for subscribing to it for 4 $ per month :

Posted Each weekend -

- An exclusive Patron-only strip of morphs (a sequence of 4-6 morphs, according to complexity and situation) and a good read of about 1000-1500 words consisting the story behind the sequence. The plot and fetish-subjects of the sequences are voted by you and they will be delivered in turn so all can get their fetish fuel during the span of said creative period, lasting about 2 months each. 

Posted Every Two months -

- Exclusive Patron-only Polls on the fetish subjects, the situations and the people involved in the them. There are limitations to what stock of actual photos i can find to work on all possible scenarios, so i will be leading the suggestions according to do-ability and we'll work our way on from there. Suggestions are always wanted and very welcome.

And one final reminder before i wrap this text up and this account gets back into action :

I take it, that since you are reading this, you probably like what i do and enjoy my work. If you want to pirate my stuff, you can do so under the very important condition that you do it at least one month after the initial posting date of whatever sequence you want to pirate. This way you can help me cover my living expenses and allow me to keep doing this thing that you enjoy seeing, or otherwise i will be forced to abandon this page and stop creating such sequences. Please consider this, act responsibly on the way you handle my exclusives if you want me to keep making them and thank you for your understanding.

So yeah, i'm back! Stay tooned everyone!!!

Polls are coming on the 1st Dec! 

First sequence after the break, coming up on  the 5th Dec!


Thank you all and stay safe!




Good to hear you’re back and I hope your fam is doing well!! Cheers and welcome back!!


Fucking mate! Welcome back! =3


Big Humongous welcomes to you. I'm glad that you and your family are safe and together as we all helped each other during your hiatus. :-)