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* CLANK * CLANK * CLANK * Clank * clank... 

The double sized wrecking ball fell to the side after the second collision, just like the first one, this time revealing a way more deformed Jeanne still struggling to stand on her now overspread legs as the already cracked asphalt beneath her, now cracked deeper and a goofy moan came out of her smooshed face...

"NHNHNHhhhhgggg.... NGHGhghghggg...."

The rubber secretary mumbled incoherently as it was by now obvious that she could not go anywhere. And how could she anyway? She was compressed like a piece of curvy dough, her entire body now resembling a pile of widened skin-colored pillows and clothes. Her face was bashed in on top of it all, her expression once of utter shock and cartoonish goofiness as her two - now widened like a pair of stomped blobs -  tits stood far to her front and sides, still contained within her over stretched top, as her shoulders and upper arms were thickened and pressed within along with the rest of her upper parts, her shortened elbows and arms dangling stupidly upwards as she resembled some sort of plushy toy that was just released from its tight packaging but permanently deformed. And beneath all that, her midsection and legs, now all widened impossibly, her thighs resembling a pair of bean bag chairs as overall Jeanne now looked more than a bulky, round coffee table in height...


The various remaining wrecking balls were still dangling high above her in the wind, but she could do nothing but observe their course and prey that the all the remaining steel-cables will hold, that this was the last one that fell... She could not withstand another bashing, she just could no--

* KA-CHING!!! *

Her fearful thoughts were then interrupted by a sharp noise. She knew that noise very well... another cable had just snapped...

She quickly did her best to lift her compressed gaze upwards only to see the most horrifying sight yet, here eyes widening in horror as she realized that yet a third wrecking ball was now falling towards her, a wrecking ball that made the last two seem like toys in comparison, a massive steel boulder the size of a literal car...



Jeanne started yelling through her distorted lips, but her pleads were cut short as the massive thing came crushing down on her with such ferocious rage, that not only she completely disappeared from sight, but the ball impaled the ground, forming a small crater at the exact spot where the already compressed woman was standing... 

* CLANK * Clank * 

The huge ball bounced off and landed a few feet away, revealing the most cartoonish sight yet. There, several inches deeper than the surface of the ground in an oval crater full of cracks, laid Jeanne in her new 2-dimensional state, a widened mess of flattened skin and clothes with a shocked cross-eyed expression on top as she must have been compressed to just a few millimeters in overall thickness. Her face was spread on all directions, and her full breast were now occupying the largest part of her smashed frame as they laid to her front like a pair of serving trays, the ones you could fit and entire dinner inside and still have room for deserts. Her hands were vertically compressed to her upper frame, folds of flat skin indicating were her chubby arms used to be and beneath all that two massive flattened surfaces of black and blue, indicating her midsection and blue-jeans dressed legs that were now overspread and serving as the base of all this flat giant pancake that Jeanne now was.

And the wind kept blowing, and the remaining wrecking balls kept swaying above her, but Jeanne just stood there immobile, plastered on the cracked surface of the crater as she knew that there was now way anyone would be coming to the rescue in such conditions, and the minute kept passing, and then the hours, till...

"Holy shit! This is not Jeanne, this is... I do not even know what to call her! I used to have two secretaries, and now i have one secretary and a flattened mess with the face of Jeanne plastered on top of it! I demand some explanations, Monica! How did this happen?!?"

"It's not my fault, sir! I tried to stop her, i honestly did! She didn't listen to a word, she was determined to get these documents signed in time! You know how stubborn Jeanne is!"

Jeanne's widened eyes darted over the two persons arguing above her, as once the conditions were safe, both Monica and their boss rushed out to see were Jeanne had disappeared all this time...

"Well, you should have tried harder Monica... You should have stopped her! Now what are we going to do with... * SCRRRREEEEEEIIIIEEEEPPPP * THIS?!?"

The man yelled in frustration as he reached down and pulled Jeanne's flattened form from the ground, her compressed body peeling off of the asphalt with a cartoonish screech as he held her there for the both of them to observe...

"Well, sir... I may have an idea that could benefit us all... Here, let me go get the air compressor!"

Monica's words made Jeanne's eyes widen more in realization of what was about to happen, but she could not speak or protest, she could only hear metallic sounds of equipement and rubber wheels being dragged quickly in the background, before...


Jeanne started moaning through her flat lips, just as a plastic black air-hose, the thickness of which was at least twice the size of anything she had ever managed to fit in her mouth before, came forcefully down and shoved itself within them, blocking her protests as she instantly felt her cheeks rapidly gaining volume and her eyes crossing in distress once more...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.




I really love that first panel. she has a great shape there.


Will we see the underside of her feet? Hehehehe


Excellent sequences here. I love how you conformed her within the indentation. The wrecking ball showed no mercy. :O