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"Come on now, Sara... Don't you know what Kevin's like? Let alone, he's one of our top regulars... Plus he always tips like crazy!"

"Nghh, i just want to swipe that smug grin out of his douchy face... * Serving tray being slammed on the counter * Swear to god, Mike, if he dares lay another hand on me once more, i 'll shove that pool stick right up his ass!"

"Shh now, control your temper young lady... Just get back to work and remember what i told you... he's probably our top regular in the pub! Now, what does he want to drink this time?"

The heated discussion between a frustrated waitress and a non-caring boss that had only profit in his mind, was giving and taking as it was already one hour past closing for the pub, and Kevin was not only eager to consider quitting his pool practice for the day, but he also ordered yet another round of drinks. But the way he slapped Sara's behind as she turned her back at him, made her really furious...

"Just pour him another beer, Mike... Or was it... wait! I think it was juice...

The poor girl replied, so enraged and frustrated with the situation, that caring about delivering the correct order was the last thing in her mind at the moment. The pub was literally empty. Or it least it would have been empty apart from the douchy pool player, Sara the waitress and Mike the owner...

"Juice? You don't sound too sure, Sara... What kind of juice? Peach, orange, blueberry?"

"Whatever Mike... Blueberry yeah, fill it up with blueberry juice, the sooner i get it to him the sooner he'll get his ass out of here so we can pack shit up and finally go..."

"Gotcha little lady..."

Mike responded behind the counter as he poured some blueberry juice into a tall glass and placed it clumsily on the tray in front of Nancy, some drops spilling over the glass and nearly hitting her fingers, making her gasp out in worry...

"Hey, watch it with that thing! I'm allergic to blueberry, don't you remember?!?"

Sara spatted, her eyes widening a bit but she retreated instantly once she remembered she was talking to her boss. Mike gave her a 'know your place little girl' kind of look, before she lowered her head in fear. She took a napkin and carefully wiped the spilled juice off of the tray, all those times in the past that blueberry products did come in contact with her skin, and all those blisters that they instantly created as with her peculiar condition she created the same juice internally in her body, now going off like reminding alarms in her head. She had to keep away from that juice by all means, and so with as steady arms as possible she picked up the tray and started walking towards Kevin, clacking balls and pool stick clatters echoing all around in the empty pub, as the edgy bloke kept at it with full intensity, striking poses and yelling with every strike, not having another care in the whole world...

"Here's your j--"


Sara had not even finished her short phrase after approaching the pool table and handing out Kevin's juice, before the guy grabbed it mid-air and started pouring it down his throat. The sweaty bloke kept chugging down mouthful after mouthful of the cool refreshment, before something made his brows twitch and he realized that what he was drinking, was definitely NOT what he ordered...



The loud wet noise echoed loudly in the empty pub along with Sara's scream, as the enraged and fully irritated man, splashed the contents of his glass on the poor waitress, contempt and disgust written all over his angry face...

"What the fuck, bitch?!? I don't drink this shit!!! Do you want to poison me or something?!?"

His voiced echoed loudly as he kept adding insult to injury, poor Sara frozen in shock as she was now a juice covered mess, and kept staring down at her clothes in disbelief, fumes of anger ready to start erupting from her ears. The upper parts of her top was a drenched mess, her neck and shoulders as well as a big portion of her lower face too, making sure of it as she tasted the toxic taste of blueberry in her mouth... 

"Oh no..."

The terrified woman murmured to herself, bringing both her palms near up to start swiping the substance from her face, sticky streams of it now running through her fingers and arms as she did so, her eyes widening in horror but most importantly, her clothes starting to feel progressively tighter around every part of her body...

"Holy shit, hon... Have you gained weight or something? You sure look kinda bloated, heh..."

Kevin commented, the dripping glass still on his hand as he started noticing the rapid effects of his gesture on Sara's body. The woman kept standing there in shock, her belly now pushing outwards from her jeans, revealing itself between it and her tank-top, as it was rapidly turning into a dark blueish color all over and the same discoloration kept proceeding outwards all over her body from the point of juice impact, down her arms and upwards to her face. Her boobs kept getting larger and her hips and thighs wider, as she quickly brought down her stained arms to slam on her legs in utter shock...


Sara screamed in shock, her face now almost completely blue as she felt her legs thickening rapidly under her palms, her ass now having inflated to the size of a pair of basketballs beneath her jeans, and a dark stain of juice starting to appear between her inner thighs...

"What?!? Have i ruined your good top or something? Quit your bitching and go get me a beer... And this time make it right, fatty!"

Kevin kept commenting calmly, like there was not a rapidly inflating blue waitress in front of him, trying to play it off in his usual douchy manner, the fact that Sara's boobs were now nearly the size of beach balls and overflowing from the sides of her drenched top and her blue belly was beginning to resemble an actual round pool float, with a pair of thighs the size of thick trees beneath it, not registering with him at the least...


Sara started screaming through her blue face, before her own mouth started filling up with juice and she was forced to shut her plumpened lips, before a steady stream of juice was now shooting out from between them, and the waitress's eyes went crossed out of distress due to the sheer pressure of accumulating juice that was now being produced inside of her body at a tremendous rate...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.
