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Feat. rubbery blonde, Annabelle Rogers! 






Her previous inflatable mishap with the air-capsules can be found here and here !



Annabelle's flattened arms bent in their rubbery fashion as they quickly came to grope the two newly air-expanded masses of rubbery flesh that were now quickly inflating right beneath her swollen cheeks... her boobs!!!


She groaned though the hose in questioning surprise as she did not expect that her boobs were the one part of her body that would inflate first. Annabelle kept pressing her flattened arms against the uprising surface of her inflating bust as like two basketballs her pneumatic fun-bags were now lifting the front of her squished form upwards from the floor...

How can this be happening?

She thought to herself, the air still working its way inside of her body, but with its only destination being initially her cheeks and now her boobs. Her already full boobage had inflated to two - even three - times her original bust's size and her tits were now inflating like crazy, filling up with air like party balloons, stretching her black bra around them and around her flattened back impossibly as none other of her body parts seemed to be affected by the incoming air pressure, before...


Annabelle couldn't even finish her thought before another double sound echoed from behind her flattened head, a very similar sound like her boobs did once they started inflating...

Now her butt and thighs were expanding at the same way!!!

Her buttocks started emerging upwards from their flattened state, rising like expanding fleshy hemispheres from the floor, her thighs graciously joining as well, as Annabelle was now rapidly sporting a widened pneumatic backside. Her butt-cheeks swelled and inflated like beach balls, with her conical thighs regaining their curvy shape in quick succession as her flattened legs were now unfolding and thickening up as well, her calves puffing out, her one folded leg quickly bending backwards, while still her waist and upper body - besides her boobs- remained unaffected and still flat as pancakes...

Hmmm... i could get used to this...

Annabelle commented mentally as her initial motives for this whole ordeal came back to her in flashes. She wanted to loose some chubbiness from the midsection area, and this whole massage machine was fro that purpose to begin with and the thought on this turn of cartoonish events was kind of rewarding, but with her curves gaining massive volume and her body being turned into a thicc hourglass while she was still semi-flattened, she started getting worried...


Annabelle moaned through the hose as at that point she realized that something was changing, like the air was now filling more parts than her boobs and butts, like it was filling her up whole...

* fffffffffffssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.... *

The subtle hissing was now audible as the air was leaking out in pressurized streams from all holes and orifices of her ballooning body, with her arms now being forced to let go of her ballooning breasts as they started getting fuller and fuller, straighter and straighter, and it was not long before they were sticking to her sides, spread in immobility and fully stuffed with air. Her midsection started getting thicker and thicker, with the air now filling her entire torso and her feet popping out to shape rapidly...


Annabelle moaned as she realized she was slightly now floating off of the floor, her entire body becoming airborne just like the blonde balloon she was being turned into, as she started her slow ascension towards the ceiling. She could not move, she could not blink, she could only inflate as her limbs were being spread to her sides and her curves were now as massive and still inflating size of beach balls and party balloons, her bra and panties holding intact for dear life, with her cheeks now to the size of melons and her eyes wide and shocked in distress to the increasing pressure she was feeling all over...


She screamed in her floating panic, realizing that not only she was way past her original size but she was now a fully exaggerated hourglass balloon of her former self and the hose was still jammed tightly between her moaning lips...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectations of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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