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Part 1 

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Part 3 


"Oh, right! Lemme go get something, it will only be a few moments... You stay right there, Caroline... Not that you have any other choice either way, HA!"

Audrey loudly chuckled at her joke before pausing her reaching over to pick up the deflated blonde from the floor, and before running off to the back of the house, her heels echoing loudly on the floor as Caroline kept darting her blue eyes around helplessly and mumbling incoherent sounds from within her deflated mouth-hole on the floor, before her black-haired torturer emerged back from the corridor, holding something that looked like a toy-packaging, a box that would contain a girl's toy or something similar, with weird lettering on the sides. Audrey quickly placed it on the sofa before heading back to tower over the deflated blonde mess once more...

"Heh, you are gonna love this box, Caroline! I did all the arts too! And i knew this was going to come handy sooner that expected! Your thieving intents and jealousy were sooooo freakin' obvious from day one, bitch... But now, where were we? Oh, right!"


Audrey grabbed the top of Caroline's deflated head and pulled her up in a series of cartoonish noises that echoed through the living room as her deflated body parts screeched and elongated upwards, being stretched comically by Audrey's grasped. Caroline's contorted flat face looked back at Audrey both women now being almost in eye level, but before the blonde could process what was happening, Audrey reached out with her other hand and violently tore off the chain holding the Ruby Necklace from the blonde's neck...

"Thank you, my precious little thing..."

Audrey whispered at the still glowing thing, giving it a soft kiss before tossing over to the couch next to the pink box, the glow now dying out after being detached from Caroline's skin before Audrey turned back her gaze to the wrinkled piece of womanly rubber that was now hanging from her arm... 

"Wow, you look outta breath, heh..."

Audrey commented with a smirk as she observed the blonde. Caroline was deformed beyond any imagination, her parts that had previously being widened and fully inflated to massive sizes were now fully hollow and flat, all hanging loosely from Audrey's grasp. Her tits were like two deflated sacks that hang down to Audrey's thighs height, her legs a mix of skin and white yoga pants that were still at the base like some weird Eiffel Tower imitation while her dollified arms hung lifelessly to her sides. Caroline could still not talk. She could only mumble some pathetic protests and occasionally blink as she stared right into Audrey's vengeful expression...

"Time to fold you up, blondie!"


Like a literal hurricane, Audrey started rapidly folding the deflated blonde at an incredible speed. Limb after limb and body part after body part was now being folded over one another in a quick succession, the brunette's arms and all that rubbery appendages that were Caroline, all messed up together in a blurry scene straight out of a cartoon that lasted for a few more seconds before Audrey stopped abruptly and turned to the sofa, trying to catch her breath while lifting up her handiwork...

"There! Awww... look at you! Ain't you a cute little thing?"

Audrey said between huffs and puffs from all the effort, as she raised a perfectly folded Caroline up with both arms. She held her tightly with both hands, stretching her a bit as she kept observing how neatly she was prepared for her next and final stage. Caroline's flattened boobs were used like half an envelope to the front were the rest of her folded body was folded within. Her rubbery arms were sticking up to the sides of her squished flat face that kept looking up in shock at what was happening to her, still not able to utter a word but just withstand the embarrassing treatment Audrey was giving her...

"Let's hope you fit..."

Audrey commented, before picking up the pink box from the couch and cautiously starting to stuff her blonde deflated friend inside...

"Hmmm... Should have ordered a bigger box..."

The woman murmured between efforts as Caroline's body was too bulky to enter her packaging box, even at her folded state. She kept pushing and rearranging her rubbery edges but it was clear at that point, that Caroline would not fit without some extra forcing, and she decided that having her folded neatly was not that big of a deal any more...

"To hell with that... In you go, bitch!!!"

Audrey spat out, before she started shoving Caroline inside the box in a crumpled manner. The blonde got squished inside as her rubbery parts now filled every corner of the interior, her face being squished to the nylon clearing at the front of the packaging while all the rest of her limbs and body parts were hastily shoved around it and Audrey quickly shut the box, before placing it on the nearby table...

"There you go! All ready to be used!!!"

Audrey yelled in satisfaction as she stared right down on Caroline's squashed front on the table, her eyes still blinking in distress with a various bulges and other body parts being stuffed around that cartoonish frame...

"I hope whoever gets you first, really uses your mouth to blow you up instead of the navel..."

Audrey said after reading the bottom line at the box's front...

"That noise-hole of yours, always needed some stuffing after all, heh..."




A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectations of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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