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Part 1 

Part 2 

Part2 - Explosive Ending 



"Whoah, Miss Abigail... You are getting so, so... BIG!"

Connie mumbled through her smiling mouth, as she was getting more and more mesmerized by the sight in front of her. Her intention was not necessarily for Abigail to hear her remarks, as to exclaim her excitement at what was going on. The sight of her boss, her once and only most vicious everlasting tormentor from hell, was now getting a huge expansive treatment of allergy, a public ridicule of divine proportions as not only had her entire skin surface turned to a vibrant, purplish blue color but she was filling up with the massive amounts of blueberry juice that were being produced internally, a massive behemoth of sloshy fluids, a consciously inflating mass of curvy orbs that were leaking and creating a mess amidst the company's luxurious hall entrance...


Abigail uttered, as her clothes were tearing up into shreds, her face all puffed up and spitting juice from her moaning mouth as she stared down in panic at what was becoming of her once stunning fit body that she took so much pride into. Her button up white shirt was stretched in shreds at the top parts of her inflating body, as her white bra was being stretched to nearly 10 times its original size in order to contain the massive leaking orbs to the size of exercise balls that were her tits. Her gargantuan belly was exposed from beneath, a massive blue gut at the size of a whether balloon that stood on top of two steadily widening pillars of thickness that were her thighs and legs, with her black skirt also being torn to shreds around her midsection, the small rivers of juice now forming dark puddles beneath her lower holes as it flowed out of them at an alarming rate down to the tiles between her high heels... 

Connie slowly approached and gently touched the bloated woman...

"Holy shit!!!"

The blonde secretary gasped, her thin fingers sinking on the over-stretched skin of Abigail's upper belly...

"You are filling up, it's happening! I can feel the juice flowing around in there... You... are getting MASSIVE! If i knew that blueberry could do that, i would have spiked your coffee ages ago, you rancid bitch!!!"

Connie said, looking up towards her boss' face with malicious glee in her eyes, the bloated woman staring down at the secretary she had so badly mistreated with nothing but helpless wide eyes full of panic, her rude remarks enraging her but with the growing pressure inside of her she could do nothing more than moan in rage and just keep expanding...


Abigail yelled through her bloated face but Connie just smiled back as she kept feeling her skin up. She was in bliss, she could not believe that justice was being finally served. She momentarily looked around in confusion, only to realize that no one was paying attention to what was happening, everyone kept walking and rushing to their spots and jobs...

How is this possible...? How can everyone ignore the literal blue elephant in the room...?

Connie pondered, but she brushed in off and resumed to rubbing Abigail's bloated skin. Abigail's moans and incoherent protests were completely ignored by the blonde secretary who was rubbing more and more parts of her body on the massive surface that her boss was now gaining, like she wanted to feel her up way more, like she was in a freakin' trance!


All the while Abigail's body kept expanding wider and rounder, the juice now being generated at an unprecedented rate as she was filling up like the world's largest blueberry blimp. Her limbs were becoming conical and sticking out at the edges of her rapidly rounding out massive body. Abigail's belly and midsection was nearly 8 feet in width, if not more, and her now naked and fully exposed boobs were sticking out on top of her like a pair of blue party balloons, with nipples engorged and widened to the size of serving dishes, and the streams of juice that were being ejected from them started to resemble gashing fountains at that point. Her overall height was nearly double the height of Connie and the blonde woman was still p@ssionately hugging her blueberry giantess like a kid would hug a teddy bear before sleep...


Abigail yelled from atop, her neck now completely sunk in her globular bluberrified orb of a body, her cheeks the size of melons as her eyes were full of shock and anger, going crossed at the intense pressure that was still building up inside of her as she looked up helplessly towards the ceiling while Connie kept f@ndling and massaging her from beneath...

"You are getting tighter and tighter.... MMmmmm..."

Connie mumbled, the groans and sloshy rumbles coming from inside of Abigail's body almost deafening at that point...

.....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....

A soft female voice started echoing inside of Connie's mind as she kept feeling Abigail up, but the sensation was too good for her to pay attention, and the voice kept intensifying....

 ....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!.....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!.....wake up!....

The voice now was a bit louder, but Connie could not break away. She kept moving her hands up and down... groping and squishing the massive blueberry giantess she was attached to, Abigail's skin getting tighter and tighter...

....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!.....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!.....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!.....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!....wake up!...wake u--


Connie blinked as if from a movie scene she tried to take in her surroundings. People were walking by and she was just standing there. No blueberry blimp could be seen anywhere and she looked down to see she was holding a cup of steaming coffee in her hand...


Connie jumped up at the sudden yelling, almost dropping the cup as the voice was now way more clear and way more close that before in her head...

She turned around and saw Abigail, her boss! She was unaffected, her normal stylish self, with her normal color skin and her normal thin body!

Was that all just some freakin' daydreaming...?

The raven-haired boss woman approached the secretary in rage and proceeded to grab the cup out of her startled hand, before commenting...


Abigail yelled as Connie quickly came to and extended the cup with a shaking hand...

"Easy now... Spill that coffee and it will be the last cup you'll ever get to hold, trust me... Did you put my one sugar in or do you want to get fired?"

Abigail said more calmly, but with her threats and insults still as poisonous as ever...

"Yes, of course miss Hill! Enjoy your coffee miss Hill, my apologies..."

Connie said weakly, giving a fake smile...

"Good... you useless c@nt..."

Abigail murmured before starting to walk away, poor Connie standing there watching her tormentor entering the elevator, as she decided at that moment that tomorrow morning she would NOT add sugar to Abigail's morning coffee but instead something way more interesting...

The thought made Connie smile wickedly...




A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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