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Part 1 

Part 2 

Part2 - Explosive Ending 


"You're LATE, turd-face!"

A high pitched female screech echoed through the company's ground floor as people were rushing by to get to their desks in time, some of them being startled out of their sleepiness being so early in the morning, some of them knowing too well as to ignore the source of the screech, a source that was common knowledge for the entire company, and infused fear in almost everyone working in the corporation. A classy black-haired figure dressed in her usual administrative outfit of white shirt and black skirt, with a long nailed hand extended towards the source of her irritation, just stood there in front of the elevators, the expression on her model-like face oozing nothing but hatred for the poor blonde girl that was so clumsily trying to make way through the crowd, pushing and bumping on suits and cases, the precious load of morning fuel she was carrying to her boss spilling out in small doses, and making everything worse...

Abigail Hill was fear incarnate. The tall executive figure with the looks of a goth diva and the constant temper and patience of a 2-year old, had a solid reputation of reputation of being a nightmare to everyone unfortunate enough to be working with her, from colleagues to even the higher ups, and her young cute assistant secretary, who was the most frequent recipient of Abigail's loads of malice, was no exception. In fact, if it was one girl who everyone felt sorry for in the entire company, was poor little Connie, Abigail's torture slave...

"You are a disgrace, Connie! A waste of money... Be late with my coffee one more time, one more freakin' time, and i 'm firing your ass on the spot!!!"

Abigail kept raging as Connie kept approaching her, her face frowned in defense, her mouth silenced in fear as she remembered that she forgot to put sugar in the coffee. Connie then froze in her place, tapping her pockets anxiously to see if she had any sugar on her, the results of her going all the way back to the cafeteria for just one sugar dose, would surely be catastrophic...

Then her face lit up, as she realized that she indeed had a small envelope in her pocket, only to be disappointed after quickly fishing it out and realizing it was just blueberry flavored sweetener. Abigail hated blueberry flavor, she hated it with a vengeance. And that's because she was allergic to it, a fact that Connie had secretly discovered after overhearing a phone discussion the other day. Even the smell of blueberry could cause some severe reaction to Abigail's body, and although she didn't know what, she was certain it was very... VERY bad... 

And it was at that moment that poor Connie started shaking in fear...


Abigail's intimidating voice echoed more furiously than ever, her lewd remarks making all heads around her turn as it seemed people froze on their places and poor Connie could do nothing but stare around in embarrassment, and it was at that time that the poor secretary snapped. Her demeanor changed as she stopped shaking and a slight grin started forming on her face as she raised the purple envelope and tore off its side, quickly dropping its contents in Abigail's coffee...

That was it, Connie could take no more. She was not about to just quit as she was thinking of doing for so many months now. No, at that moment, she was out for revenge. She was seeing red, she wanted to see Abigail Hill suffer...

"Apologies Miss Hill, just added your sug--"

"Shut your mouth retard! Gimme that!!!"

Abigail cut her off, the obnoxious woman not wanting to even hear her annoying secretary's voice, before she grabbed the coffee mug from her hand and started making her way to the elevator...

"You useless piece of shit..."

Abigail murmured audibly before bringing up the mug near her heavily painted lips and took a small sip. Instantly her eyes went wide at the poisonous taste that filled her mouth and she gasped out in shock...


She yelled out loud, before turning to face her secretary, the coffee mug falling off from her hand and shuttering in a hundred pieces on the tiles below...


The raven-haired woman screeched in rage, spittle flying out of her mouth as she faced Connie and was surprised to see her standing there unphased. In fact, Connie was standing there with a smug look on her face, not saying a word, just lifting the torn paper bag she was holding, high enough for Abigail to read the cursed phrase on its label...



The bitch woman yelled, an obvious skin discoloration now quickly spreading from her nose to the rest of her face and down her exposed throat and chest, her entire skin turning into a shade of deep blue. Connie raised an eyebrow at this unexpected turn of events as her boss was clearly loosing her confidence as she was now the one who was panicking...



Abigail's shaky voice echoed as her threats were suddenly cut off by a deep liquid sound coming from.... her own belly!


The woman's gut surged forward like an instant impregnation as its deep blue colored flesh was now exposed between the edges of her shirt and her skirt's top, that was now stretched around it intensely. Her boobs could be seen rapidly expanding as Abigail's torso was now pushing her shirt's buttons aside, forming openings were her newly blue colored flesh was showing through...


She managed to gasp but it only echoed in mumbled mess of moans and malformed words like she was trying to yell with her mouth full. Connie's heart then filled with excitement, could that be it? Could that be the way she was finally going to take her revenge on that bitch of a boss that was tormenting her for so long? Was it that simple all along? Was just a tiny pinch of blueberry all it took? And it was then that Connie's smile widened at the sight of Abigail's cheeks filling up with some liquid, and she realized that each time the bitch woman tried to protest, spittle of this liquid were coming out of her mouth... spittle of blueberry juice... 

She was filling up with blueberry juice!!!


Before half another moment passed, yet another deep sloshy groan came from Abigail's body and her eyes went even wider in shock as she managed to take a look downwards to her blue exposed tits that were now forming a massive cleavage through the impossibly stretched openings of her shirt, her bra still doing a relatively good job at keeping them covered from within, but with her belly now fully expanded to the size of a blue beach ball beneath them, and an even wider pair of blue hips and buttocks billowing out from beneath it too. Stains of juice were now starting to appear though the white fabric of her shirt where her engorged nipples were now poking through, and a gooey stain of juice was now running down from between her legs...

"Was that blueberry sweetener too strong for you, miss Hill?"

Connie inquired, doing her best not to burst out in a frenzy of laughter as the public ridicule her obnoxious bitch of a boss was now getting, but the blue woman only looked back at her with a look of wide eyed panic as her body kept filling up with juice, wider and wider...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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