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Part 1 

Part 2 

Part 3 


"At times like these, having rich friends can be fun, i guess... Especially when they leave SUCH treats unattended! Wow, you shinny little devil, ain't you beautiful or what?!?

Caroline mumbled to herself as she lifted the stunning ruby necklace she found in Audrey's bedroom up to her eye level to take a better look. That gem was indeed hypnotizing, and her blue eyes were glued on it with greed...

"Maybe i should just... take it! I mean, she probably won't notice a thing... Audrey's jewellery closet is even larger than my own fridge, for fuck's sake!"

Envious thoughts were now running though the blonde's head as she kept mumbling and dangling the precious necklace in front of her face. And only for one to imagine that Caroline and Audrey were 'best friends' for more than 10 years, since the high school years. Both sexy as hell, and always making all heads turn, an thot duo of tease and sexuality, a narcissistic pair of young women who knew that they could achieve anything with just a bit of ass-swaying and some sweet puppy eyes. Always completing each other as a fantasy for the boys, the hot blonde and the mysterious raven-haired one, a long list of broken hearts laying on their metaphorical paths. 

But behind the scenes, things were a bit different than they looked. A whole LOT different actually...

"I could easily make 20 grand out of this, if not more..."

Caroline's thoughts kept feeding her greed, as she walked over to Audrey's living room and approached the couch were she had placed her backpack, before she started unzipping the locker to stuff the pricey thing inside...

Audrey had always been the rich one, and Caroline secretly hated her guts for it. She had managed to hide it through the years and indeed there were some days that she did not mind that much. But some other days - like this one, where once more they had gathered for their usual yoga practice at one of the many of Audrey's spacious living rooms - Caroline's jealousy was manifesting to such an extent that she felt like she would literally explode. And It's not like the blonde was poor or anything, but she always envied the flamboyant lifestyle her besty was living in, and was so overtly showing of to her all the time. Luxurious cars, numerous villas all across the province, and of course, countless pieces of rare and incredibly expensive jewellery, just like the ruby Caroline herself was now holding...

"Maybe i should wear it first... See how that beauty looks on MY sexy neck! Audrey went to pay the bills, and it's not like she'll be back for another half an hour before our yoga practice, so..."

The blonde smiled in reassurance before lifting the red jewel and wearing it around her neck. A small shock went through her, just as the ruby touched Caroline's chest, like a barely noticeable jolt of electricity, but she paid no mind it as she kept tieing its golden chain together at the back of her neck, the smile of confidence still stretched on her face before she rearranged her long blonde hair down on her shoulders and was about to start walking back to the bedroom's large mirror to see how she looked, before the necklace started emitting a weird red glow...


Caroline said, instantly noticing the gem glow unnaturally under her chin, but her question was interrupted by a growing tingling sensation on the edge of her fingers...

"What the...?"

She mumbled, her face growing concerned as she lifted her hands, only to notice at the own shock, that her fingers were now merging with one another...

"AAAHH!!! What's happening to me?!?"

Caroline screamed in horror, her eyes going wide at the sight, as she noticed sparkling lines of some incomprehensible force that was now taking over her. The lines, after merging the fingers of each hand into a rubbery puddle-shaped palm, then continued moving inwards from her hands, up to the rest of her arms, leaving behind them plasticized rubbery skin on their wake, all shinny and screechy as one thing was now running through the blonde's panicked mind...

A blow up doll? Am i turning into a freakin' blow-up doll?!?

"No! Please don't... HELP!!!"

The blonde yelled in her general direction, knowing all to well that she was alone in the house, finding her ability to fully close her lips to form words, way more difficult that before, some weird tension forcing her mouth to open in a "O" shape...



Caroline screamed again after the deep pneumatic noise that echoed in the living room as her right breast and her left buttock and thigh, all surged outwards into an expansive and instant ballooning, nearly tripling in size, stretching her tank top awkwardly around her now asymmetrical bosom and her comical half-blown up ass doing the same to her skin-tight white yoga pants. The lines were still running wildly all over her body, leaving plastic texture behind them like her entire body was ignited by magic and each body part that they engulfed became bloated and rubbery....


Another pneumatic fwoomph echoed, and her hourglassed bloating became now symmetrical as both her breasts now resembled a pair of basket balls and her buttocks protruded behind her to the size of white balloons resting on top a of pair of pillar thighs...


The front door suddenly shut as someone entered the house, which made Caroline's panicked head to turn and stare at the hallway, her mouth now unable to utter any sound, her eyes wide in horror as she saw Audrey walking back inside the house, the raven-haired woman's face smiling wickedly, not a sign of surprise on it as she rested her hand on the edge of the wall and stared at her now fully bloated blonde 'besty'...

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist... I was damn sure of it! You think i 'd let a 35k necklace just lying around on the bedroom like this?!? Tsk-tsk... Caroline, your hair color matches your intelligence so perfectly... You know that, right?"

Audrey said with a smirk, as she slowly started walking towards her transformed friend, Caroline now fully transformed and resting immobile with her back on the wall behind her. Her body was huge, each one of her curves now fully inflated to the absolute exaggeration, her hands and feet transformed to the ones of a sex-doll, with her puffy arms bent invitingly and her entire body rubbery and hollow, full of nothing else but... air...

"You know what they say about things that inflate, right?"

Audrey continued, her eyes now watching the air valve that now stuck out of where Caroline's belly button used to be, and with Caroline's widened eyes now following each and every step the woman took in front of her, her mouth fully open and stretched, unable to speak but with the rage now building up inside of her after realizing she has been so stupid as to fall for such a prank...

"They just have to deflate, dummy...Hahaha!!!"

Audrey laughed, before extending her arm and reaching for Caroline's valve...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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