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Time to start the polls for the 3rd winning category of this upcoming period :

Female Blueberry Body Expansion / Inflation

*Polls 8 and 9 will be combined, so vote with both in mind.

So, here we go :

1. A bossy woman in an office, that treats poorly and pushes around her young secretary, until the secretary decides it's time for some payback, and proceeds to spike her morning coffee with blueberry pills...

2. A waitress on rush hour, that makes a mistake and serves the wrong order at the wrong table, with the later recipients being overly frustrated and rude, and with one of them over-reacting and throwing their entire refreshment on the poor waitress' front. The refreshment is blueberry juice, and the waitress is allergic to it...

3. A fit lady doing her workout in the gym, and is offered a blueberry gum by another jealous woman by her side. The fit lady keeps turning blue as she does her workout and at the same time she begins to expand with juice from the gum...

 On which one of these 3 ideas should i work on in this upcoming blueberry sequence? 


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