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Part 1 

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Part 3 

Part 3 - Explosive Version 



"Stay back! Stay the fuck away you stupid cop!!!"



The on-going shouting match between the now fully panicked robber and the onslaught of rubbery, slushy noises coming from Hazel's blueish purple expanding behemoth of a body were giving and taking, as tension was rapidly rising and the young man had lost all of his previously smug and aggressive attitude...



He kept yelling over the muffled moans coming out of her bloated face, but it was pretty pointless. Hazel's expansion was beyond any control and any measure. The fluids produced inside of her from the blueberry darts that had previously pierced her boobs and had injected the poisonous reactive chemicals into her, were now in full battle mode at the rate and the pace at which they were being created. Hazel's entire form, every last tiny part of her body and skin were being fully filled to the brim with thick blueberry juice that was pushing the young cop at widths and sizes that could only be compared to some deep sea mammals or some long extinct pachyderms that had a full series of meals and were about to pop...

* FFFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssss......... *

Liquid hissing noises now reverberated through the narrow brick confines of this absurd happening, as Hazel's tits had now reached the size of blue weather balloons and they were gashing out fountains of juice so thick and sticky that everything was about to be fully drenched. Her belly and main torso was merged into a blue expanding mass of more than 7 feet in width as it was fully stuck at the brick walls to her sides and was now been squished and deformed comically by being elongated through the length of the narrow alley. Her limbs were bloated, with each one of her fingers being swollen with juice to the size of softball and her buttocks and legs, protruded out the back like a set of blue pairs resembling entire pool floats in size. Her lower holes were fully leaking too, rivers of sticky juice down the tiles of the alley way with the flow being now so abundant that the juice was now flowing out from the alley behind her and was scattering towards the road...


The man screamed as he tried pushing the massive blue gut of Hazel that had now almost pinned him to the wall, but no matter how intense his hysterics he was not stopping what was coming and regrets for throwing those darts were escalating in his head as his fingers and palms were now fully sinking on the blue wall of flesh that was nearly suffocating him from all sides...


He screamed in horror as he raised his masked face to behold the blue cartoonish sight looking down at him. Hazel's head was absurdly bloated and deformed out of every imaginable proportion, eyes the size of basket balls, cheeks the size of beach balls, lips the size of banana shaped rafts... she was humongous!!! 


A thick splash of juice landed on his screaming face as Hazel's bloated mouth was gushing it out like crazy. It was leaking out of her nipples, out of her ears, out of each and every available orifice and hole of her behemoth sized blueberry body, as her overall squished height with her tiny looking police hat on top, was about to reach the second story balconies...



The robber's last scream was cut short as Hazel's massive belly flattened him into the brick wall like pancake. The cop woman let out a more intense muffled moan as she witnessed this with her massive eyeballs, a short smirk of victory would appear in her face if she was in position to take any actual expression with how bloated everything on it was...

And Hazel kept filling up with juice, as she was soon to fill the entire alley way down to its very entrance like the world's most rectangularlly deformed blueberry blimp, while the robber kept getting squashed thinner and thinner between her and the bricks, over and over with each passing second, his body a transparent black and white striped smear on the bricks by the time Hazel's blueberry bloating would end...

If it was to end, of course. Or else she would rise upwards among the neighboring buildings like the city's new massive blueberry attraction and the police force's very own gift to the the town's folks...




A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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