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Sequel to this :




Sophie tried yelling through the massive amounts of deformed flesh that were pushing her black t shirt all around her head, but her sentence was cut to just high pitched muffles as her cheeks now puffed out and her red lips shut tight on one another blocking her attempts at complaining any further. She tried moving her neck but that proved to be almost impossible as her blonde top was now stuck in place, blocked by a pair of massive boobs inflating to her front and uprising bulk of shoulder and back parts that were rapidly being deformed behind it. She just widened in eyes in anger and frustration, her glance locked with James who was apparently quite relieved that she could not hear her whinny voice any longer...

"There you go, babe! Good beds don't cry, right? Haaaa ha ha..."

He yelled, still in his earlier frenzy as by now he was ecstatic that this magic remote did exactly what it was supposed to, and that was to turn his thicc blonde woman into a double sized massive bed! Sophie got way more enraged at his teasing remarks which made her moan even louder through her widened face, but that was almost all that she could do, besides getting bulkier and wider with each passing moment...

The blonde woman was now massive. From a pyramid shaped object her body was now getting way more rectangular, with her shoulders having almost the exact width of her lower legs, a rapid rubbery effect that was making her look more mattress-like that ever before. Her shoulders and upper back were at a complete 90 degree angle, with her puffed upper arms to extend to her front from above like a weird headboard, her arms getting shorter and puffier to the sides as her boobs were now the size of deformed beach balls, more than 6 feet across her front, all massively enhanced upper body parts squishing her angry swollen face between its surfaces...


Sophie kept moaning, nothing but rage now in her glance, as the red beam kept hitting her flat surfaced front at her exposed belly button height, her clothes having miraculously stretched to such extent that were mow fully engulfing each and every inch of her king-size bed shaped body...

* ZAAAP!!! *

One last sharp electronic heard was heard from James' remote as the beam came to a pick and then he stopped pressing the button. Sophie's transformation was now complete. She was a massive king-sized bed shaped blonde woman, with a pair of massive black pillows, a set of comfort cushions that moments earlier were just her bosomy pride, as she started observing James' small and calculated steps as he shoved the remote back in his pocket and started walking close to her. The woman was throwing daggers through her widened eyes, she kept vibrating and shaking all over, trying to protest to that cruel cartoonish faith that was imposed on her, making her dangle violently back and forth just like a tree before it lands on the forest ground from a good cutting...

"You know babe..."

James whispered straight at Sophie's swollen face, stopping inches from her massive cleavage as the woman still moaned furiously...

"What is a bedroom without a bed... huh?"

* THUMP!!! *

And with these words, James lifted his arm and shoved Sophie's massive boobs. The thicc bed-woman feel backwards, landing back-first on the wooden floor with a deep groan as she moaned in shock, her entire rubbery king-size shaped body, trembling and vibrating as she finally remained horizontal and static...

* Half an hour later... *

"Will you cut that out already, i 'm trying to focus here..."

James' voice echoed over Sophie's -by now- weak and occasional moans of protest at her predicament. The scene was something out of cartoon, as James had kicked off his shoes and was relaxing on top of his wide and extremely comfortable girlfriend's transformed front, his thoughts calm as he was going through his novel on this peaceful morning, in their new sunny apartment, and on his new king-sized bed...


Sophie moaned again at his inconsiderate response, her angry eyes trying to locate him from in-between her boobage and massive cheeks at the top of her bed-shaped form, as she could do nothing but hope that he would somehow magically transform her back to how she was before, and finally get to give him a piece of her own 'thoughts' on the matter...




A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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