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"And you said it won't hurt, right honey?"

Nancy echoed from inside the chamber, her voice a bit muffled due to how thick the glass surrounding her was, as she raised up her round eyes, worryingly observing the heavy metallic piston that stood above her. She was the stereotypical definition of the word bimbo. Blonde dyed hair and fully enhanced thick lips behind a thick of fashionable make up, her naked body tilting awkwardly inside her container as he perky breasts stood out proud and modest in size, while she did her best not to touch the glass around her, its cold surface chilling her each time she did. 

Jake still could not believe it. He always knew she was gullible, and a true representative of her hair-color's stereotypical intelligence, but the fact that it was now actually happening was flooding him with excitement. He smiled back reassuringly at Nancy's muffled words from outside the chamber, before fishing inside his pocket to bring out the device's remote while he prepared his calming response.

"Absolutely! You will not feel a damn thing, i swear it! Haven't you been watching Saturday morning cartoons as a girl? With all those silly gags happening to them all the time, ridiculously reshaping them while they retorted back to normal without a scratch in the end?!? Well, that is exactly what will happen to your body in a few seconds, babe! All thanks to those cartoonification pills i had you swallow..."

Nancy stared back at him blankly, her bimbo brain taking some time to process what she just heard like it was some sort of nuclear science riddles...

"Gags...? You mean like... anvils and steamrollers and stuff?"

"Exactly, babe! Weren't those fun to watch or what?!?"

Jake responded, his face lighting up that after all this struggle Nancy was finally getting it.

"Heh... i guess..."

She responded awkwardly, now even more unsure as to if she wanted to be his guinea pig...

"Great! It will be so much fun, you'll see!!! Here's the remote, let me know once you are ready babe!"

"Well then, i guess i 'm as ready as i 'll ever b- MMHMGMGHHH?!?"


Nancy tried to respond, but before she had the chance of finishing up her sentence Jake pressed the button on the remote and the piston came down on her with full force, making her moan in distress as the cartoonish deformation of her body was instant and hilarious. Her arms shot up against the metal of the piston, while her entire height got squashed and shortened from her fit normal 5'4 to a deformed and widened 4'2. Her midsection arched to the front like a rubber bow, filling the gaps of the chambers, her rubbery flesh being plastered to the glass as folds were now appearing all over her body. Her legs thickened and bloated, as they filled the entire circumference of the glass, thighs getting plump and squashed, calves the size of tree stumps, buttocks plastered on the back glass...

"NGggg... Babe... this feels weird you know... It's not pain... it's just weird! All that pressure.... Could you just wait for a litt--NGNGNGN!!!!"


Nancy tried protesting, but as she managed to utter the words, with half of her face pressed on the piston, Jake pressed down on the remote again, squishing her even more, deforming her bimbo body to a new level of absurdity. She was now about 1 foot tall and as thick as the entire bottom of glass chamber, the piston now having descended to Jake's knee height. Nancy was now like the stump of a tree trunk, the folds of her rubbery naked body, filling almost every available space inside her glass prison, torso and boobs widened to the front, legs and buttocks filling out the back, thickened and shortened to something ridiculously cartoonish, her plastered hair at the back the only indication that it was an actual woman in there and not some rubbery decoy that someone had decided to experiment on...



The poor blonde's slurred words slightly echoed through the pressurized folds of her own body, but before she could even finish her own distressful thoughts, the piston pressed down hard on her for one last time, completely squashing her flat to the round bottom of the chamber and instantly silencing every noise in the room...

Jake silently approached the chamber and opened up the its two hemispherical cylinders as the piston retracted back up to its initial position. The sight on the bottom made him smile...


Came out weekly from the flesh-colored blonde rubbery puddle as he took sight of Nancy's new form and squashed features. Her face was wideyed in shock and disbelief, her mouth wide open and her eyes almost crossed in confusion, both her hands facing upwards while the folds of her body's top could be seen to protrude from within the rest of the gaps of her disc shaped form...

She had been completely squashed to a disc, no more than a few millimeters in thickness, all of Nancy now plastered tightly together into a rubbery disc of cartoonish absurdity...

"See? Told ya it would be absolutely painless, babe!"

Jake yelled, his excitement echoing at the sight of the blonde's new form, but Nancy could not respond anything besides moans and grunts, her widened eyes darting around helplessly...

"And now... time to round up things a bit, huh?"   

Jake said, revealing a hose in his hand, a hose spewing hot air, as he reached out for the top of disc shaped Nancy so at to peel her off of the metallic base...






A reminder to those who dwell in the shades!

I do not have the expectation of my Patreon stuff remaining exclusive forever.

And no matter how much i want them to remain exclusive (i assure you that i do, until only ME gets to decide the time that they are ready to go out in public!), all i ask from those that do not see the harm in what they are doing and continue with their shady sharing of my work, is that they give me a grace period of at least 3 weeks to up to one month before they decide to share them, a period in which i will be able to make up for my efforts in profit! 

It is very important that everyone understands this, since by randomly sharing my exclusives without this grace period, my revenue will drop and i will NOT be able to make up for my efforts, resulting in me quitting this Patreon page and my art becoming from scarce to non-existent in the not-so-long future.

And this is no threat people, this is a mathematical fact!

This page and the paywalls here, allow me to keep on punctually delivering quality material for our community. Without everyone supporting me financially here, this would not be possible, and my artwork would cease to exist.

So please, have that in mind. Such piracy may be a small or non-important pain for some big corporations, but for the independent home-based artists, it is absolute annihilation!

Thank you for your understanding, HR.



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