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The starting part of this story, is in connection to Jodi's ballooning from a few months back. Sequence can be found here :




"This girl used to live here, i believe Jodi was her name..."

Sophie said, strolling around the empty bedroom, taking in the setting of their new apartment with gleeful enthusiasm, her wide thicc hips swaying around in every step she took, while James was observing her with a wicked smile on his face...

"Oh, is that so... So why did she move? I mean this whole apartment is perfect... Didn't she like the neighborhood or something?"

James responded, moving a bit closer near the door of the bed room, resting his shoulders on the frame, as he seemed to be fiddling with something inside of his pocket, his eyes still glued on Sophie's blue and hypnotizing wide hips and buttocks...

"Well babe, here's the funny thing... People say that one day they saw a massive balloon flying over the front road, a balloon that was painted exactly like Jodi, and quite realistically too..."

"Huh? That's weird..."

James blurted out, trying to act shocked and surprised, doing his best in hiding the fact that he knew exactly what she was talking about...

"I know, right?!? But the strange part is that after that mysterious Jodi-like blimp flew away... people could not find Jodi anywhere! They kept knocking on her door, friends, relatives, even the police joined the search... Nothing! It's like she disappeared of the face of the earth!"

"Heh... You know, what? Maybe Jodi WAS the balloon and she just flew out of here on her own..."

"Haha, very funny... jerk!"

Sophie said loudly, his insinuation irritating her as she gave him back an ironic look. But how much of an insinuation was it really...?

"Anyway, enough of this Jodi talk! It kind of creeps me out... Listen, i say we put the bed right here! What do you think?"

Sophie continued, as she stood amidst the empty space and extended her hands, indicating where their king-sized love nest would most perfectly fit...

"Hmm, you sure about this? There's a lot of light coming in from the garden, we should get thick curtains you know..."

"I know, but think about how peaceful our wake ups will be, it's so calm and cozy all that light."

"Hmmm, dunno about it babe... Maybe we should test it out a bit first..."

Sophie raised her eyebrow, irritation coming back at her expression, as she placed her hands on her wide hips...

"Test it out? Test what out, James?!? Thinking about bringing that massive thing here on your own so we can just experiment on placements or something? You know how heavy it is, once it rests... that's its!"

"You are right, babe... That's why i have something else in mind... A test with a bit more immediate and painless results, hehe..."

James responded with a smile, as it was then that he pulled out a strange remote out of his pocket. He brought the thing up near his face and looked at the icons on the buttons...

"What the hell are you talking about, James? Can you please be serious for a moment?"

Sophie responded, now a bit louder as her patience towards his reckless attitude, was running out. His was acting weird all morning long, not the least serious behavior for such an important task of planning out their new furniture placement as they agreed to do. But James kept observing the remote on his hand, completely ignoring her. His finger hovered over the bottom buttons, both indicating stick figures for male and female choice, before her pressed down the female one and it started emitting a bright red glow, like it was armed...

"Perfect... Now let's see..."

He mumbled to himself, now lifting his gaze towards the rest of the buttons...

"James!!! I'm talking to you!"

Sophie said even louder, the fact that he was playing around with another one of his gadgets and not paying attention to her, enraging her instantly. But James didn't even blink, his eyes still locked on the rest of the buttons. They were four of them, each one depicting a sketch sign of heavy pieces of furniture... A single bed, a double sofa, an armchair... 


He exclaimed with a grin, as he tracked the button with the king-size double bed before pressing it down hard, the remote now fully directed towards Sophie, as that button starting glowing red too...


"If you don't come here right now, i swear i wil--NGN!!!"

A bright reddish beam shot out of the remote and landed on Sophie who did not even have the chance to finish her frenzied phrase. She froze in place with a moan as she stared back at James wideyed and with mouth wide agape. Her movements started becoming hard and a weird sensation started washing all over her body. James kept his finger pressed down on the remote hard as he fixed better his aim and his face was now lighting up with excitement...

"Ngnn... What.... Ja-mes! NGH!! What-are... you-doing-to...me?!?"

Sophie managed to say in a trembling shaky voice as she slowly lowered her gaze downwards to her body, the weird feeling of physical change turning true as she noticed her breasts were now... bigger! 

"I know how heavy and hard to move our king-size bed is, babe! That's why i thought that a simple test would be better beforehand! And what a better test... than to turn YOU into a king-size bed, Sophie! Haha!!!"

James yelled almost maniacally as he kept the red beam steady on Sophie's increasingly weird looking body. The woman's lower curves were now expanding, the mass of her thunder thighs was dislocating downwards, towards her increasingly bulky looking knew and calves as as the same time her frame was becoming... rectangular!!!

"ST---STOP--THIS!!!! NGHGHG!!!!"

Sophie moaned loudly once more as her head was now turning left and right in confusion, only to realize in shock that her upper arms were becoming puffier and shorter, like two massive cones that were being merged with her increasingly widening rectangular back. Her huge pair of flat surfaced but alarmingly thick and bulky buttocks were now almost touching the floor as her lower body was now getting absurdly wide. It took less than a few more seconds for her complete body to become pyramid like, a rubbery pyramid with thinner sides in comparison to her back and front that were still widening with no signs of stopping, as James still kept the beam methodically on her transforming blonde body...

"And a pair of sexy king-size boob pillows to match!!!"

James yelled again, the sight of Sophie's massive boobs that had now inflated to ten times their original size, filling him with enthusiasm as the blonde woman was still getting wider and wider, the look of WTF now plastered on her confused and slightly deformed face...







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