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Modesty is its own Enemy - Dai Time

On this week's Dai time, I talk about people's reactions to Pyra and Mythra being added to Smash Ultimate, as well as modesty culture, Huniepop 2, Mushoku Tensei localization, Ys IX, Persona 5 Strikers, and the Final Fantasy VII Remake! Want reliable notifications for all my videos? Subscribe here! https://notify.me/OtakuDaiKun Want to make a one time donation? Support me on Paypal! https://streamlabs.com/otakudaikun1 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/OtakuDaiKun SubscribeStar - https://www.subscribestar.com/otakudaikun Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/otakudaikun Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/otakudaikun/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/OtakuDaiKun My Anime List - http://myanimelist.net/profile/OtakuDaikun Check out our discord! https://discord.gg/sFxjxZV If you enjoy this channel then please consider becoming a patron of ours via Patreon. We offer different rewards for different payment tiers, such as early access, an editing tutorial, and episode requests. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe! It'll really help this channel move forward providing awesome anime content. One thing that goes the extra mile and really helps is updating your subscription notifications so you don't miss a thing! This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1) transformative in nature, the video is a journalistic commentary on popular media (2) uses no more of the original work than necessary for the video's purpose, the claimed duration is an edited clip for rhetoric, and (3) does not compete with the original work and could have no negative affect on its market. Intro stage created by: deviantart.com/xentetion #VTuber



This is really awesome Dai, keep it going man!!!


Its funny that it used to be the people on the political right that had a problem with sexy stuff and now its shifted to people on the left trying to "protect" women. Life would be much better if people paid more attention to their own dicks/tits.


People on the right still have a problem with sexy. The Australian government that advocated banning adult-ish anime last year, for example, has a considerable conservative make-up. The right has traditionally hated sexy because it conflicts with their "Christian" values. Puritans exist on both sides of the politics here, one is just "quieter" because they've always held that stance. You also have to remember, if you're talking about the USA, the left is more like center-right here.


Interesting because I've been seeing news reports about how Australian authorities are mistreating people in regards to Covid 19. The ones doing that here in the US are the Progressives who have become very authoritarian and its the conservatives who are opposing them. Our Left used to be about freedom but now the champion corporate interests and the expense of the individual. Not good.


In the US, I'm seeing the conservatives mistreating people in regards to Covid 19. Our now former President kept calling it the "Chinese Virus", and hate crimes towards the Chinese have "mysteriously" been on the rise since then. We have entire regions with increased viral activity, yet people suffering in those areas still think it's "tyranny" to wear a mask to help reduce spread. They're so incapable of working together, they'd rather die than try to help. Not a single republican voted in favor of the pandemic stimulus relief. Not one. Throughout the pandemic, conservative pundits spoke to great lengths about sacrificing yourself for the economy. Conservatives have always championed corporate interests, only stopping recently due to corporations vying for customers amongst the left. Corporations are still more for profit, they simply follow the money. I've seen more authoritarianism from conservatives, with progressives opposing them. I mean, on January 6th, we just had an insurrection attempt just so conservatives could keep the President in power. They're still chanting that the election was "stolen".


Please expand on how conservatives are mistreating people about Covid. Given the news coming out of Washington and Oregon in terms of riots destroying homes and businesses since last year, I would say the progressives are far more authoritarian. Its not conservatives doing those riots. Closest I've seen are the idiots who entered the capital on Jan. 6 and they didn't burn the place down.


Please expand on how progressives are authoritarian and/or rioting. If you're talking about blm and antifa, there's actually less property damage and rioting than right wing media portrays. Also most of it was instigated by police. Also, by definition, riots aren't authoritarian. If anything, riots go AGAINST authority. They're riots. Also, pretty sure even a clumsily put together coup attempt is still a coup attempt. Several officers were killed, some insurrectionists were caught with explosives, and amongst their dead, one was even a former enlisted, which tells you how crazy the cult of Trump has become. As far as covid mistreatment, I described the rise in hate crimes towards the Chinese. While there is a little caveat in there, it's mostly trump supporters and conservatives on that one. The travel ban on China? Which ideology and party still denies following health guidelines? I'll give you a hint: Texas and Mississippi took down their mask mandate, and I'm pretty sure they're still predominantly conservative.


I would not classify billions of dollars worth of damage by BLM and Antifa as some minor thing, particularly when its small minority owned businesses. I donated to a black firefighter who was opening his own bar and it was destroyed by the rioters. Poor guy was in tears that his dream was destroyed. Riots cannot be tolerated in a civil society and now I am hearing about the Floyd Autonamous Zone and somebody got shot a few hours ago. The Jan 6 incident was not a coup attempt as the word coup requires the intent to take over the country and the guy with the viking hat was not going to be able to do that. The cop who died appears to have died from something else as he is reported to have gone back to his station and now the coroner is refusing to release the autopsy details. FBI has also backtracked on his death. The explosives were found outside both Democrat and Republican offices and the woman who died was shot by the police for no apparent reason. As far as I know, nobody on the Republican side is defending the Jan 6 incident but many Dems are defending the Antifa and BLM riots to this day.


Again, you're also going off of media that most likely lied to you garner hatred towards blm and antifa. Not surprising, damage was done, but at least it wasn't a coup attempt. A civil rights movement again exacerbated BY POLICE to be violent is the lesser of two evils there. As far as January 6th goes, it was a coup attempt. Period. They literally rioted, threatened politicians, threatened our very capitol to overturn election results. A half assed coup attempt is STILL a coup attempt. If someone just tried to shoot you and fumbled the gun and missed, they still tried to shoot you. There was more than just one death, verified by coroners to be FROM the violence. The woman who was shot by police was verified to have died from those actions. Meanwhile, Trump and his supporters also justify the coup attempt as "patriotic" to this day. Not a fan of either events, but a civil rights movement based on systemic racism and an attempted insurrection because Trump didn't win are 2 vastly different things.


My view of Antifa and BLM are based on a couple things: BLM admitted on their own website that they are marxists and are out to destroy the family. I believe they changed it after people drew attention to their website. As the child of Cuban refugees who had to flee people like that and make a new life for themselves in the USA, I have nothing but contempt for marxist, socialists, communists, etc. My people know their evil along with others who have suffered under it including Russia, China, Korean, Vietnam, Germany and most recently Venezuela. As for Antifa, I need no media to tell me people dressed in black, waving Antifa flags, attacking people and destroying buildings are evil. A few decades ago, it was people dressed in white doing these things in the South and the were rightly condemned for it. Whether it is the KKK or Antifa, evil is evil and I will always condemn it.


And right there, you admit your bias in the matter. You have problems with blm and antifa for being "Marxist" and being violent in their ways, yet have no problem with the centuries of violence and bigotry of conservatives. They have a very obvious white supremacist/nationalist, xenophobic, racist, sexist, political stance. There's a reason the kkk, the proud boys, and Qanoners tend to vote republican. Also, conflating communists and socialists with dictators proves you have no idea what you're talking about. Nazi Germany was very fascist, pro capitalist. So was Italy. There's a reason Nazis went after the leftists, the communists, and the socialists first. Forget the "night of the long knives"? Forget the phrase "first, they came for the socialists"? Was the civil rights movement evil? Because people had to get violent for their voice to he heard too. In the end, if you don't like the truth, nothing I say will sway you anyways. But don't sit there and tell me you always condemn evil. Because your disdain for those who oppose fascism(it's literally in their name), and support of an ideology that largely has committed some of the biggest evils in the world says otherwise.


I condemn Marxists because my people have suffered at their hands along with hundreds of millions of others. I don't know you background but you sound like the typical extremist leftist who has lost nothing. I have lost my whole family so I will not be lectured about what conservatives have done. The South which opposed civil rights was led by Democrats as it had been during the Civil War and Democrats have always been on the Left. It was Republicans and the Right which freed slaves and fought for their rights in the 1960's. Look up Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat and proud KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops who also was a big influence on the Clintons by their own admission. BLM and Antifa are fascists no matter what they call themselves. Don't think we will ever agree on much politically so lets end this.


Like I've said all along, you know nothing. The truth won't affect you. My family has fought in every major war our country has been in except the revolutionary war. My ancestors walked with MLK Jr. I have ancestors who hid from Nazis in ww2(Jewish heritage). You sound like the typical extremist rightist who has actually lost nothing. I pay attention in both history class and my family's history, so don't lecture me on what conservatives have done. I know very well what they've done. You continue to prove your ignorance here. The democrats and republicans switched ideologies and political stances years ago. The "southern strategy" is well known HISTORICALLY. Democrats back then were conservative and right leaning, republicans liberal and left leaning. Everyone knows this, only liars deny it. Now you're just straight up lying, like a typical rightist extremist. Projecting your ignorance on the matter. Make Goebbels proud I guess? I'm going to end this, because this conversation was going nowhere from the start. You don't like nuance or the truth, you've spouted text book fascist propaganda, claiming to "condemn evil" while making excuses for it. You're lying, you're an extreme rightist, you have no problem with evil as long as it follows your opinions, and you know it.