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This one was a lot of fun.  I hope you enjoy it!


My Wife & I Pick the Best/Worst FATE Servants for Various Jobs

Turns out the video I made with my mom was a huge success. By popular demand, I bring you something similar. My wife and I go through various situations and occupations and decide which servants in Fate would be best or worst suited for the task. Play along in the comments! Want reliable notifications for all my videos? Subscribe here! https://notify.me/OtakuDaiKun Want to make a one time donation? Support me on Paypal! https://streamlabs.com/otakudaikun1 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/OtakuDaiKun SubscribeStar - https://www.subscribestar.com/otakudaikun Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/otakudaikun Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/otakudaikun/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/OtakuDaiKun My Anime List - http://myanimelist.net/profile/OtakuDaikun Check out our discord! https://discord.gg/sFxjxZV If you enjoy this channel then please consider becoming a patron of ours via Patreon. We offer different rewards for different payment tiers, such as early access, an editing tutorial, and episode requests. Please like, comment, share, and subscribe! It'll really help this channel move forward providing awesome anime content. One thing that goes the extra mile and really helps is updating your subscription notifications so you don't miss a thing! This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1) transformative in nature, the video is a journalistic commentary on popular media (2) uses no more of the original work than necessary for the video's purpose, the claimed duration is an edited clip for rhetoric, and (3) does not compete with the original work and could have no negative affect on its market.


Starlight Studios

Best Driver – Nero for her infectious enthusiasm and riveting descriptions. She’s someone who’d energize you for the journey ahead and help you find that much more to look forward to. Best Telemarketer – Queen of Sheba. She excitedly hustled Gilgamesh into all sorts of unfavorable deals in FGO’s Summer 3 event. She didn’t get away with it against him, but most humans are easier quarry. Best Gym Trainer – Leonidas. His performance in the Babylonia Singularity shows him to embody every virtue one could hope for in a trainer. He works with people at their level, drives home the significance of everyday training, oversees and praises your efforts, and highlights the importance of nutrition and rest. By the time he's done with you, those virtues are instilled on a fundamental level and can be relied on in times of crisis. Worst Gym Trainer - Scathach. She demands unreasonable results without any regard for your current abilities. There is no process. You either meet her inhuman expectations or die. Those with insane potential and absurd survival instincts might make it through (like Cu), and undergo rapid growth, but I ain’t him. Best Shootout – Billy the Kid. His performance in LB1 cements him as an exceptional marksman (and bodyguard) in my mind. He’s a helluva shot, a keen lookout, and an easygoing guy to shoot the breeze with. All in all, a go-to choice for the role. Best Boss – King Gilgamesh (Caster). The way he ran a command economy in Babylonia was beautiful. He knows everything about his citizens (birthday, family situation, etc), assigns them roles according to their ability, and gives out suitable/generous rewards. He’s someone people respect, admire, and wish to serve; so much so, that even knowing the end times were upon them, and that a God they worshipped was opposing him, the citizens of Uruk never wavered. Of all the Kings in Fate, his rule was the most splendid to behold.


That was great :-) More videos like this, please!