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I wasn't thinking about anybody specific when I was drawing her, but now I think that this is how Jaina's mom might look :D No plans on adding Jaina's mom, just a fun thought




So what if some of these, if you end up really liking the idea of the drawing, but don't want to go through all the rigamarole of making a whole new character, and quests and stories around them, but just wanted more fun sex scenes, made them dream sequences? Like Krowley just has sexy ass wet dreams, either randomly or maybe a few days of full arousal with no release leading to them? I don't know, just a fun thought.


I'm trying to avoid dream sequences :) I think they create disappointment. Like you will have this hot character, but what you will be left with will be "I wish it was actually in game"


Love the pic, of course I'm also a fan of preg content l, and the belly and the breasts being just too big for the dress checks those boxes! Of course I know there's no plans for content, but I can imagine 😀


I mean it WOULD be in game, but I get what you mean in terms of being able to repeat it whenever you want. If it's just a random scene you might get each night instead of just downing some wine and talking the the character you want to see the scene of, yeah it would be kind of disappointing to not just get to see it when you want.




I mean it would be still a dream and not "real" in the game world, so I think it would be disappointing for people that wanted a specific scene to get it this way. You may not agree with it, but that's how I see it :)


I get it. I just thought it could be a way to get extra scenes in there without having to create new enemies or characters and quests and such. Could be pickable like instead of just having Krowley fap, he has to think up something or remember something. Maybe change up other scenes, like instead of just remembering a scene with a character he imagines it differently. Just spitballing ya know.


If she's Jaina's mom, she must have a big cock


Any plans for Fina's mom portrait? The one in the ironheart mansion?


Glad you like it ^^ yeah, big bellies and boobs popping out of the dress are hot


Yeah that's it! Hopefully we'll see her grandmother's portrait soon! 😄


I feel like I need a character like Mommy Futa,fat ass like carla


Have Krowley jack off on het portrait with a special additional portrait reward with Fina and her mom in a double gangbang? :D


I said Jaina's mom, not Fina's :D And there is Fina's grandmother's portrait in the mansion, not her mother's :) Even a scene like this could be fun, it's quite a lot of work for just a portrait on the wall