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Sketch number 7 won the recent poll and it's time to choose which characters will be involved.

I have included variants that, I think, suits the sketch.

  • Number 1. Eric/Erica fucks Krowly under waterfal
  • Number 2. Krowly fuck femboy elf knight
  • Number 3. Futa elf fucks Leaf
  • Number 4. Samantha fucks Krowly with a strapon
  • Number 5. Sister Elizabeth fucks Krowly with a strapon
  • Number 6. Raina fucks Krowly with a strapon
  • Number 7. Futa elf fucks Eric (in the spa)




No Fina fucking Krowly ;__;


uff a difficult decision between both situations of Eric/a xD


Why would there be? We've got that in the game already.


Sister Elizabeth or Samantha can be futa?


Maybe some other time :) Fina more in a need of scene where she suck Krowly's dick I think


I think it will be better if they not. I personally think it's not that fun anymore when everybody are futas


i mean if no.4 or no.5Get the most votes Will they turn into Futa in the scene?


Water fall scene has been lacking for sometime. Wud be nice to finally have a follow up to spying

A Name Apart

Let's go Samantha disciplining her step-son


I think there should be an interaction between Eric and Juliett sometime after Eric sees her with the tentacles


Elizabeth needs some scene love! And her massive tits would look great in this angel


Looks like this is going to be another nail-biter.


Hoo boy it's close


Damn. i really liked all of the strap-op options, i really hope raina would win, even tho i think the possibilities are slim


you do know that you don't just have to spy right? Krowly can join her under there for some hot action. Or are you including that as just part of the spying?


I really hope for Samantha. That would give her a very unique sex scene for her first one.


Even though is looking like it wouldn't happen for me is impressive that Sam is screwing Krowly before Krowly screw her.


Ravenous, I think Storyline means spying on Eric under waterfall, not Fina :)


really going for that Elf Knight, lets go NUMBER 2


I'd much rather have the futa fucking Eric over Erica fucking Krowly, but either or, looks like it's going to be good.


Number 4


In all honesty I feel like this should be one of those exceptions where more then one of the options get made. 1, 4, and 5 are all extremely fitting. Especially 1 and 5, as Fina has been hinting to sister Elizabeth that she should be handling those situations instead of Fina. Like have it as the third option for going back and confessing. Or maybe have it give a choice? To let one or the other punish?

Daniel Jarrett

I think this would be a great scene for Eric’s “training” with Jaina


I wonder why the 2 options with Eric are winning. We have the opportunity for the first scene with the woman doing the fucking that isnt futa.


It would seem that more people are interested in Eric/Erica than in a non-futa woman doing the fucking.


Normally those exceptions are reserved for choosing multiple sketches, not for choosing multiple scenarios for the same sketch. Personally don't need too many duplicate scenes in the game


The fact I won’t we won’t see Samantha be the first to peg Krowly kind of bums me out lol


I personally wish there were more strap-on scenes, especially in a dominative sense.


But imagine if she does, and says something like. "Remember how much fun we used to have before I left? I certainly do."