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Futa on male sketch won the poll. I also see that the sketch with thick lady was very close, and I will think about what to do with it for those who isn't so interested in futa cotent :) Meanwhile, let's decide what characters will be involved in the winner scene.

If the male character is a cute one, his face will be visible.

  • Futa elf is fucking Krowly. We have one, but maybe we will need a second one?
  • Spa manager (redhead futa elf) is fucking Krowly. This scene was planned for a long time. We have it as a not available option in the dialogue with her during the quest.. It also will be repeatable, of course
  • Futa elf is fucking Leaf. I'm sure it happens to him all the time.
  • Futa elf is fucking an org guy. This one will be not so easy for me to draw, but I think I can do it xD
  • Futa demoness is fucking Krowly. We don't have a futa demoness yet, but I do want to add one. Maybe Krowly could accidentally summon her instead of Meril.
  • Elizabeth Darkwood is fucking Krowly. If this variant will win, I have to ask her permission for that scene, but I think we should get the permission :)

Jaina isn't in this poll because the next scene with her I want to be ea scene where Krowly fucks her ass :)




It's a tough call between the Spa Manager, a futa demoness, and Elizabeth for me. But I think I have to go with the Manager. Oh, any reason why Eric isn't in the poll either?


Если кто нибудь у меня спросит о самом сложном выборе в жизни, то я кину этот опрос 😁😏 Как же годно вы реализуете все сцены, что порой дико трудно выбрать действующих лиц, настолько хочется что бы у всех были крутые сцены. Но фута демон вне конкуренции конечно. 😅


Спа-менеджер + Джайна. Джайну голой не видел, и по поведению считаю что может быть мужчиной...


Honestly, I kinda forgot about Eric when I was making poll. Sorry if you wanted a scene with him, maybe next time. I can't add another variant after the poll is published. He got a lot of content recently, and I still need to make "Erica" variant of his scene with Jenna, so he won't be forgotten for long :)


Мне по этому у нравится делать голосования - не приходится делать сложный выбор самому xD


Оо, а почему её нет в опросе?))


Как в посте написано Джайна не в опросе потому, что я хочу чтобы следующей сценой с ней была сцена где Кроули трахает ее в зад :) У нас уже есть сцена где она трахает Кроули


Приветствую! Рад поучаствовать в опросе, как бы не распределись в нем голоса, я всё равно буду 😁👏🥳


ОО ну так здесь не Кроули, а эльф)) Молчу молчу. Хотя нет не молчу)) Почему в зад? Таки джайна у нас мужчина?))


У всех фут в моей игре нет киски, только член и яйца :)


If 2 wins, maybe Krowly can be serviced by hand also. Make it more of a massage.


А скажи, на сколько процентов ты считаешь свою игру завершенной на данный момент?


Почему бы не объединить Элизабет Дарквуд и эльфийку менеджера в 1 вариант?


All great ideas! I hope you get to draw them all at some point. My favorite has to be the demoness that you summon and it goes awry


My first vote is for the futa demoness to fuck Krowly. I really like the idea of Krowly trying to summon Meril, and unexpectedly getting fucked in the ass when he summons the wrong demoness. My second vote is for Elizabeth Darkwood. She just doesn't have enough scenes in the game.


While I'm looking forward to the Spa manager scene, I think Elizabeth Darkwood has another way to reward his heroes


Maybe you could use that other sketch for Granma Agnieszka as a teaser until you add krowly to it. After you fuck her in the field if her affection is high enough she could transition into it and then ask Krowly to visit her at night while her husband is asleep for some more naughty fun.


well damn, barely missed it, oh well, thicc crew sits out again

Jarvis Goliath

I really hope that Jaina comment means we get to see her booty and genitalia from behind


Elizabeth would be really interesting 🤔


If Jaina won't participate, I will go for the demon one :)


Another close one, so far. Let's see if they stay neck-and-neck until the end of the race.


Sad there's no Krowly screw a futa she elf or it could be a strap on scene.


На такой вопрос очень сложно ответить. Это мой первый подобный проект, и у меня нет опыта чтобы предположить, сколько времени займет оставшаяся часть. Игра уже на много большем планировалось (изначально она должна была закончиться с первым призывом демона). В данный момент большая часть персонажей, локаций и механик в игре, но с прибытием Великого Паладина последует новая волна событий. Игра будет расти не в сторону большего количества персонажей и локаций, но в сторону большего количества квестов, событий, взаимодействий, и сцен. Вглубь а не вширь. Новые персонажи и локации будут, но не слишком много


Не уверен каким образом их предлагается обьединить :)


I must notice that "thicc crew" grew quite strong recently, jugging by the poll results :D


At some point, yes, it would be nice to have a look at her from that angle :D


We will get a scene like this for sure, but I feel like this one works better with futa on top :)


Will we be able to see Krowly's face? He cute tbh.

Jarvis Goliath

It could still win but I hope Darkwood doesn’t lose. We already have elf topping Krowly (a favorite tbh) and ED is beautiful in real life and I feel she should get the shining chance. Will wait and see though.


Gogo Elizabeth!


While the option for the futa demoness to fuck Krowly has no chance at all of winning, at least it is one of only three options which has gone above 100 votes. With just shy of 200 votes (at the time of this writing), we can see that the idea has a lot of popular support, so I'm hopeful that we'll eventually get a scene of Krowly trying to summon Meril and accidentally getting a surprise ass fucking, instead.


Damn. What a close race. I'm hoping for a handful of last minute Elizabeth Darkwood voters, to push her into the lead. She's been in the game longer than the spa manager, and she only has one real scene.


It looks like she has good chances to get another scene in the future :) Elizabeth Darkwood has two scenes, and, if I remember right, she was added a few month after Spa Manager