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Quick edits of busty bandit character illustration I made for fun ^_^ 

Not idea for now how this will happen. Any suggestions? Maybe Krowly is tricking her into standard trope "you need my sperm to reverse the effect".

Also she needs a name. And the male version too of course. Anyway, hope you will enjoy it :)




Dan and Danna ? 🤔

Licorice Lain

She goes from angery to amazed real quick


She breaks into the tavern at night and krowly can catch her. He won’t tell for a price ;)


Krowly tricking bandit would be funny, like the orc scene where you can offer sex to not have a fight, Krowly says i can cure you then have the titfuck and leaves running before the bandit can realize what happend


I love your style of drawing nipples


У меня идея, что это может быть продолжением квеста с Джульеттой. После того, как кроули вернётся с охоты (любой), он может, поговорить с Джульеттой вечером, и та скажет, что днём приходил бандит и требовал расколдовать его. После чего, можно пойти к бандиту, и убедить его "you need my sperm to reverse the effect". Возможно, это действительно будет снимать эффект. Если Кроули будет использовать зелье редукто на своём члене (тайно) и втирая его таким образом в бандита, но эффект будет временным из-за силы проклятья.


Или эффект будет частичным и превращать его в фембоя. (На время)


Gary and Garyann(yep, is supposed to be a funny name) It could be a simple win/defeat scene, in other hand if you want a scenario, Something Generic suggested a good one, she could break in the Carla's Inn and Krowly was passing by in that moment and hear the noises and go in to investigate.

Random guy

Maybe after defeating the bandits once in a while she could say "I surrender please I'll do anything for your forgiveness" and you choose cleave fucking or let her go like other encounters, for the name I was thinking on something like Yamilet or Jazmine


Это же главарь бандитов, а не обычный бандит, так?


Medea or Seni for girl and Iniko or Osman for boy. As for a scenario, I was thinking something dynamic; admittedly this may be piggybacking off Facilus, but have her break into multiple locations, like the spa, the store, the inn, and so on so the character seems more active. Perhaps depending on where you find them unlocks new sexual encounters that can be repeated upon finding them again.


What if the transformation not only changed his appearance but also his sexual appetite, so she has hunger for everything and her name could be Nicky, It is a name that sounds good for both men and women.


Maybe the bandit liked krowly the whole time and was just being a Tsundere


How about this is the bandit boss. after Krowly defeats him he gives him a transformation potion. and after a while he transforms into this. maybe he finds him "busy" with his subordinates?


Butt bandit = Slut bandit? Idk lol but I love the idea of a kinda bimbo bandit getting tricked into some sexy scenarios!!


Male bandit steals potion from Sebastians shop, find him in the woods, male bandit drank the potion thinking it was a big dick potion but turns out it was an unofficial bimbo feminize potion, now make him a reducto potion to undo the magic, bandit rewards krowly for bringing him the potion he requested and not snitching, at the end it turns out the reducto potion doesnt work because the potion the bandit drank has no undo potion yet..


for the name, how about a nickname ppl made up.. a redheaded bandit, of young age like krowly and eric, a thief, a mischief.. "Gingerbrat"


Guys, the bandit transforms as a result of the quest with Juliet. This moment is already in the game.


Просто судя по румянцу и более длинным волосам это так. Но сиськи где-то между.


yes !!!


Krowly could use a list potion on her


Help, she's attempting to burgle my family jewels.


It's the bandit leader that got transformed into female during the quest with Juliette, not the normal bandit :) Same guy who was fucking Juliette when we met her first time


It's not just random bandit, it's the bandit leader that got transformed into female during the quest with Juliette


Maybe during the hunt events. We can't met her as a normal bandit in the wild


Yes, that's exactly what happens in game :D This is the bandit leader we see first time when he is fucking Juliette in the woods. During the quest with Juliette he got transformed into female and after that we sometimes can see him being fucked by other bandits in the bandit fortress ^^ All this is already in game


Sounds reasonable, we already can see her having sex with other bandits int he bandit fortress


It's the bandit leader that we first met when he was fucking Juliette in the woods, and he got transformed into female during the quest with Juliette :D His transformation is already in game


I know this might be to much but could you imagine having a cell in the basement that you might have the option to capture a bandits or a nun and experiment on them with spells like, "DSL" " Bimbo Boobs" "Hour glass Figure" "low IQ" " Increase sex drive" "Grow Hard on" " make Pussy" "blond hair bomb"


I think the reasons for this to happen should just be "If you preform X on my dick with this potion/salve it will turn you back" but it never does. It's just like the huge load potion or the one Rose makes that enhances Krowly's dick or other options. Oh and for the Bandits name. Rob. And for the Female version, Bobbie.


Oh and different potions can be for different sex acts as you add them later, if you add them later.


how about we find the bandit leader traped in a tentacle and they spray it on him somthing and he change into a female


The ass bandits already get futa-fied in game. When you beat them they just run away, but this could easily be used post-battle instead


This would be great post battle