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Updated version of Sister Elizabeth character illustration. I did my best to keep her the way she were, just make everything more polished. Also I have a fixed a few details.

She will need a few more variants of her character illustration, the cleavage fuck variants, the topless and naked one, etc

UPD: I have attached two images, one of them showing old version, and another one is showing everything that were changed, but without the old version underneath. Looks weird but I think it would answer the question about what have been changed.




So what's different about her? Just cleaned up some of the harsher lines?


О, да! Так намного лучше. И отдельное спасибо, за то что был убран крест.


Great work, love it


Sometimes when I edit post Patreon just copies the sentence I have added several times instead of all the previous text. So, if you see it, don't think that I went crazy :D


Спасибо! Да, я его убрал потому что он как символ не имеет смысла в мире игры, и плюс он отвлекал внимание от ее груди и лица


Looks great, my favorite character, are you planning new content for her?


The rosary has been removed or its just for the example?


Thank you! At some point, yes. She was in the recent poll, but haven't managed to win. I want to expand her relationships with other villagers, and possibly to explore more her experiments with demon summoning (not 100% sure yet).


Yes, I removed it because the church in the game isn't catholic and there is no reason to use catholic symbols. I replaces the cross in the church with busty lady statue for the same reason


mhhhhhhh yummy to bad we cant get in her cunt but okay but BG is there a way get one time in her room and see her maybe so half naked only in panties/thong there


and i like it how her rack looks like would buste out that was what makes her busty but new one is not bad too great work


Not gonna lie I’ve been wanting an updated version, thank you 🙏


Pretty cool, but Im not gonna lie I will love to see the rosary hanging from his neck.


Sister, pray for me for I am about to sin.