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Just a painting exercise. Sebastian's face was bugging me, so I decided to give him small face lift.

By the way, what kind of extra activity during the week do you think Sebastian could have? He started fishing with Derek in the previous update. I thought he could be fucking Fina sometimes. Maybe traveling to orcs or visiting spa. Feel free to make your suggestions :)




Any fina content is good lol


Nah let him to the orcs


Discount for blowjobs 😁

A Name Apart

Very nice. He could deliver some goods to the tavern and get some extra payment.


Damn. Look at that chiselled jaw.

Harry James Coulson

Very good, but I feel the colours need to be toned down just a tad


Может он мог бы флиртовать с Карлой вечером, в топлесс-пятнцу. Или просто там быть.


Didn't he used to fuck orcs in his shop at one point? I would suggest that! Idk how I feel about Sebastian fucking Fina, but Sebastian fucking Jenna or Carla would definitely be welcome sight!


Also, are you re-doing character art? Because Mabel could really benefit from that!


didn't he have a fling with an elf? perhaps revisit that? There is the bandit tent that has gone unused which would be perfect imho


Could be "visiting" Iss or the she-goblin leader, also talking with the merchant at the elf camp or with the guards Diana and Colan at the gates of the next city.

lool soos

I think he could be in the tavern from time to time. Maybe flirting with Elizabeth. I also have another random critique point: can you please make it so you can walk over the chicken in the chicken coop? It is so frustrating to wait for them to go away.


Prehaps he could deliver suplies to Carla and when she suggests a different payment, he says she is pretty and all but he does need money for business. This could make the world feel more real and could tell us that Sebastian is a business man after all.


I know this isnt the right comment section to post this in. But what about making something new for the lesser used areas (places) in the game, or maybe add the capital with some quest reward features and a brothel/castle? Love your stuff, but its been awhile since ive been excited over your updates. Hope i dont ruin your day and i will continue to support your excellent work! 🤩

Arsalan M. Waziri

Special Gear during certain days/or at the spa! Weapons for Jaina, pots for Rose, clothes for Alice, etc. I mean...we can also probably give him a blowing with Iss, or "help him" with merchants / paperwork around Diane (if Diane's and Fina's relationship is high enough). Maybe a special event with Astra getting an "accidental Krowly Body Pillow" instead of Eric... js 🤣🤣🤟


He should spend some nights with Iss 😏


Offer small discounts to get a titjob or bj from busty Krowly. Some times catch him out an about with Iss. At her house. And maybe an illustration of you walking in on them in the shop


I'm very much in favor of Sebastian fucking Fina on the side. This idea had honestly never popped into my mind, but now that you've suggested it, I feel strongly that the game needs it. That being said, we still need an illustration for when he's getting a blowjob in the shop. And he really needs to have a turn with one or more of Krowly's holes.


В таверне в пятницу вечером уже заканчивается место :В


The gates dosn't lead to the city, it's the border gates of the kingdom :)


You can make them move by activating them. I don't want them to be easier because when you help Jenna with eggs it improves relationship, gives you eggs but doesn't change time of the day as other activities. I want it be hard/annoying enough so it won't be unbalanced


I want to finish my game some day and I don't want to add empty locations. You can see how much work it takes to make a village with a number of characters that aren't just standing and saying "hello". Imagine what would take to add a city. I will be adding more content to other locations, like elven and orcs' camps, goblin village etc, but I'm not planning to add much more new locations apart from hunt/events


The game gas a hint or two that Sebastian and Fina are having sex, but it wasn't shown so far. I thought maybe for those who want to keep Krowly for Fina it could be so when the relationship with her are getting higher she stops visiting Sebastian


he could be fucking Fina sometimes


how about when krowly and eric are busty offer him some service hehe


Имхо, но Фина может трахаться с кем ей заблагорассудиться. А если кто-то не хочет чтобы "его девушек", трахали, то и сам пусть трахается только с одной. Тоже самое относиться и к Элис. На мой взгляд, с персонажами которые находятся в отношениях, просто должна отсутствовать возможности заниматься вагинальным сексом. По-моему, обоснованное ограничение. Джульетта, например тоже как-бы девушка Кроули (Как минимум полноценный кандидат, в отличии от Фины), но трахается со всеми подряд.


I had an idea that since Sebastian says a nice cleavage isn't enough for Krowly to get a discount, it would be funny when Busty Eric would get one :D


I thought about this option too, but I haven't figured out how to connect this to Sebastian as a character. I mean, it hard to run business in the village like this when you give discount for blowjobs :D


Weird as it is, I kinda like that Sebastion’s role is completely business in the world so far. Sure he’s also fucking people, but we only see him at work (or fishing) etc


That's a good point. I think he still can be focused on business. I mean, fucking the mayor could be good for the business xD We actually already have a scene in game where we can see him getting a blowjob from Iss (without the illustration for now)