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This month, apart from other things, I want to make it so, when it's raining, characters in the village won't be doing their usual things outside, but doing something else. And I need your suggestions :) I mainly talking about normal everyday things, not sexy scenes (but it's possible too).

  • At the morning we have: Alice, Eric, Jason, Agnieszka, Derek
  • Day time: Astra, Jason, Agnieszka, Derek, Taisha
  • Evening: Sister Elizabeth
  • Night: Rose, Jaina
  • Any time of the day: Mabel

What do you think they will be doing when it's raining? It will be nice if their normal interactions will be still possible (like "help" or "flirt")

I can't promise to use all the suggestion, but I think it could be interesting to add some more variants to the villagers life.

Krowly also will be able to summon or stop the rain



Wet, semi transparent shirt variants for the characters for when the clothes get wet?


Rosa and Jaina having fun inside the tavern?


Sister Elizabeth staying near window in the church


Alice Morning: Cleaning the inside of the house? Maybe we can help her do chores. Derek: Prepping fish with Taisha in his kitchen instead of fishing? It would be cool to show a more sensitive side of him, show him as a good husband who helps his wife with stuff. Astra Day: Maybe we can catch her writing in her diary during the rain in the day? She tells us to piss off and not be a nosey ass. Sister Elizabeth Evening: What if she was just reading her religious texts in the Church, studying? Rose and Jaina night: feels like it'd be most appropriate to show them going at it in Jaina's room in the Inn? Maybe a different position, like Jaina on Rose anal instead of blowjob.


Я щитаю, надо добавить немного человека в Джайну. Типа, они с Розой в таверне сидят вместе и болтают. Роза лежит на коленках у Джайны, пока та гладит ее по голове, или наоборот, и Роза рассказывает что-то, например о зельеварении, а Джайна молча слушает, потому что знает что Розе эта тема очень интересна. Ну что-то вроде того. Это было бы мило

John Doe

In general, they all could do some house stuff like cooking or cleaning. Derek could take care of his horse (not in "that" way, you pervert 🌚) Alice could play with her brother (something cute and wholesome) - they rarely interact together. Astra could review her wardrobe and try on some of her dresses or maybe some new hairstyle, since she seems to be a fashion-keen girl. I've seen some armor in Jason's house, so maybe he could try it on again to remember some of his glory days... (Or maybe he could tell Krowly some stories from his youth, when he fucked everything that moves 🌚) Eric could sharpen his sword (I mean like, real sword) Mabel could milk herself into the bottle - well, it's both sexy and her daily routine :)


nice ideas exactly the one with rose and jaina i neverr saw them fucking maybe this time could BG make some and by sister Elizabeth maybe we catch her doing something naughty and offeer some help like our Krowly is always reedy to help and maybe we catch Erik fucking his mom/stepmom and we coulld jjoin as we saw it depends on how much we break erik and if it possible later make him more Erika


For now I have only one suggestion and it's for Alice, Krowley could help her to take the clothes from the clothes line to not soak with the rain, with this it could lead to a sex scene in her house since both of them would be soaked and Alice would like to dry that clothes they're using, even that meaning they'll be naked and with this, the sex scene enters has a way to thank for Krowley's help. This scene would only happens with enought relationship points of course. It's a good plot imo.

John Doe

Oh, Astra could play with 2 dolls (or something), one resembling her and the other resembling Eric, and she is playing some kind of scene like "Oh, Eric, you saved me, you are my hero! " "Come to me, my princess! I can't wait to love you!" And then move dolls closer and start doing "muah, muah" Kissing sound, and stuff like that, I hope you get what I mean :D (Or maybe then she could proceed to make dolls do some more unholy movements and sounds 🌚)


Well Astra has to watch out for the kids. They could be moved either to the church or the Mayor's house. If Krowly takes over for her, then either sister Elizabeth or mayor could reward just gain a point. Or Mayor and Elizabeth watch the kids while we plow Astra. Then Agnieszka or Alice could give a bath to old man Jason...some good old scrub down if you know what i mean. Derek could be at the Inn drinking or screwing some village girl(Juliette learing wife's duties). Day time DerekTaisha in bed. Elizabeth could visit the Spa or Tavern. Rose Jaina is full of possibilities. Threesome with some other girl. Oh and Eric in the morning could visit Astra...or the Mayor for some adult learning. The rain releases in people nostalgic, sad feelings. Makes them yearning for contact if lonely. Especially in a small dorf.


How about Astra is now forced to babysit inside which makes her even more annoyed by it and she will do anything to get her off the child and you can go with her into another room to have some fun if you promise to take care off it for the rest off the time. Alice could need help because the clothes she usually cleans hang for drying outside and you help her gather them together you run outside and once inside you both see through your wet clothes. Krowley sees her Nipples and she sees the outline off his big dick and they either fuck or get a relationship bonus Maybe jaina isnt outside at night because its raining and you can catch them in the inn instead and you get a new option for a sexscene with them Eric could be frustrated because he cant hunt monsters properly and you can catch him jerking off to the monstergirls he bet during this

Great Saxtonian

In the Morning you could have Eric packing away his practice dummies so they don’t get water logged, and then they don’t appear outside his house for th rest of the day. For Alice, maybe she’s doing some chores in her house, maybe playing wiiyh her little brother? Also I think it’d be fun at night, that rather than have Rose and Jaina return to their room, that if they have a good enough relationship to Krowley that they drunkenly demand to go back to his place. At first he can only watch and not join in, but after he raises his repationship with them even higher they’ll let him join in.

Arsalan M. Waziri

This would be a really good scene...but wouldn't Alice's brother some inside too? He could like to play in the rain, which would allow time for MC and Alice to be together.

Arsalan M. Waziri

Since everyone's inside, maybe this is Fina's chance to run with peace and quiet, and possibly have a slippery scene/chat occur between her and Agnisezka. Just making the rounds to every house to check up on everyone during the rain, on different days. Basic small town mayor duties, which could lead to some... "unique" scenes that could include MC. 🤫🤔🤨😉😂


Mabel could hook up with someone after seeking refuge from the rain. Elizabeth, Jenna, Fina or Jill in the tavern.


Perform a rain dance with Eric and fuck him / get fucked by him


Some see through variations on the clothing of characters staying outside would be nice as they get wet 😄


Morning: Alice – In the house cooking or playing with Jessie Eric –In his room studying his map (Sundays he is already in the chicken coop with Jenna) Jason (Old Man) – Having Breakfast with Agnieszka Agnieszka (Grandma) – Having Breakfast with Jason Derek – Inside his house with Taisha and Charlotte Preparing the fish he caught the day before. Day time: Astra – At home with Fina learning the business (could lead to more training. Jason (Old Man) – At the bar for lunch Agnieszka (Grandma) – Tea Time at her house (could lead to more in the future) Derek – At Sebastian’s Shop selling crop Taisha (Orc) – At the bar talking with Jason Evening: Sister Elizabeth – In bed playing with her self as she can longer control her dreams Night: Rose – In Jaina’s room getting fucked Jaina – In her room at the bar fucking Rose Any time of the day: Mabel – In the Barn at Derek’s milking herself to make more bottles to sell.


On a side note can we get a way to increase lust levels of characters outside of battle?


for night rain, it would be nice to see Rose and Jaina just cuddling :)


Alice - baking, if you help her not only do you improve your relationship with her, your cooking skill improves Mabel - challenge her to a drinking contest

queralt victor

At night Jaina could be hiding with Rose where the chicken are and fucking her in the ass, and if they like Krowly enough either he can join them for a DP on Rose or he can be fucked by Jaina. And if the relation is very good or if it's raining on a special day Jaina can invite herself to Krowly's and fuck him all night (with a bonus scene if Alice lives with Krowly she can either tease him for being fucked or blow him while he's fucked)


A few things could include: Help Alice get the laundry out of the rain. Help Astra find the kid who she babysits(who has run off due to the ran). Help Derek by finding things that he would sell or making them(food/potions). Help Rose find ingredients for potions.


Alice: you can help Alice fold the laundry in her house or help Alice practice her singing because she secretly wants to be a singer for the tavern Astra: you can have astra in her room taking care of the boy since its raining (option to do a quickey in the another room because she rather be doing that than taking care of him) Sister Elizabeth: can have her light whipping her self in her room for having impure thoughts that day Jaina: can have her lifting weights in her room or doing some exercise to prepare for her dungeon trips (optional a sweaty picture would go nice here) Rose: can have rose mess with her potions in the tavern


Could have sister Elizabeth showering in the rain


how about Mornings Alice- the only time she gets a break from working, no bathing scenes so what about during the rain she enjoys a steamy bath to relax from all the work of the week. Eric- bit of some childish antics roaming the forest for bugs or something Jason - can't think of something Agnieska- knitting some stuff during the rain, maybe at higher relationship knits crowly a scarf Derak- closes up shop and oddly fishes at the river afternoon Astra- spies on Eric wherever he is Jason- still don't know Agnieszka- enjoys a meal in the inn like hot food Derek- can be found dressing his fish by the water Taisha- is working in the inn to get outside a little Evening sister Elizabeth- conducting additional prayer with candles lit Night Rose- getting dogged by jaina in a Hot Bath area thanks to some heat Stones by rose or something Jaina- hotdogging Rose in the Bath Anytime Mabel- the only time she is indoors in the inn, doesn't like getting rained on, in exchange also helps in the inn, in exchange for free food and lodgings


Instead of Eric hitting his dummy, Eric could be training with Fina in her manor (with Astra watching and fawning over him)


You already can, you can give then food or some potions/wine to increase their lust outside of combat.


Think it would be fun having Taisha "shower/play" naked in the rain next to the her house and have the old man Jason peeking at her.


It's raining men, hallelujah! It's funny, now I'm playing the first Witcher and I never cease to be amazed at the behavior of NPCs in the game, especially how they react to bad weather and rain. There they run under cover, discuss the weather, run to taverns or to the fire. For me, rainy weather is my favorite, associated with coziness and comfort, the warmth of the hearth, tea, of course, drumming drops outside the window. If we project onto the game, we can introduce additional activities such as: - save someone from the rain and invite them into the house (at the same time, the clothes of the rescued person can get very wet, with all the ensuing consequences); - more travelers can gather in the tavern at the same time, who, perhaps, have never met. What will entail new activities between these characters. And this may be facilitated by some new entertainment that people are doing in order to wait out the "bad weather"; - the main character can earn points from the others by helping them. For example, take off the laundry or cover the cart, etc; - in such weather, you can generally create the appearance of a new character in the game. For example, because of the rain, the roads got loose and he had to stay here; - even in rainy weather, you can read more pages or invite Snape to drink wine by the fireplace. Oh, wait, it was already somewhere.


I feel like Sister Elizabeth might risk a bath when it's raining and she believes others are inside.


maybe the swamp area where the futa elves live floods and Krowly can "help out " at the spa , for some gold or something


Кстати, было бы неплохо, если бы дождь влиял на врагов. (Да как и время суток на самом деле). Например, в дождь слизни бы вылазили в тех местах где их нет, а где есть, их становилось бы в 2 раза больше. (В отряде, не на карте). Или вылазили бы слизястые бабы.


Morning: Eric could be helping his mother in the hen house collecting eggs (or getting a blowjob from Jenna) Alice could be doing chores inside with Jason, or maybe using the time to sleep in/ play with herself while Jason plays in the main room Day: Jason: Could be inside the church being watched by Sister Elizabeth Astra: Can be found spying on Eric at his camp or looking for him if he's too busy fucking a goblin Derek and Taisha: Could be at home cooking (give them a wholesome scene) Evening: Sister Elizabeth: Reading up on rituals and ways to protect the town. (Maybe Krowly can help her in her quest to ready herself against demons) Night: Rose and Jaina: Having sex in Jaina's room or maybe even having some fun with Carla in her room. Mabel: Maybe she can take up a spot in Jenna's barn. Could maybe lead to a double titfuck with her and Jenna.


help Alice take her laundry inside before it ruined and she gives some sort of reward


Anything with HUGE TITTIES!


That's a lot of comments and suggestions xD It will take me some time to dig through them :)


Это же ночью должно происходить :) Я думал сделать их просто спящими в обнимку. Не уверент что пиксельные спрайты будут зорошо смотреться, но попробую


Thanks for the suggestions! Yeah, I was thinking that Eric could be masturbating too :D Maybe at some point of the game he will be using dildo instead of jerking off


Thank you for the suggestions! Hmm.. maybe Mable could stay with Sebastian, he can use some activity


Maybe perhaps with some people if krowley walks up and talks to them, If he doesn't help them then their relationship level lowers and they won't talk with him for the day?


Maybe perhaps during the rain you could have slimes come from the forest into the town, like an event or something. (Maybe access it through the hunt) we get to see people getting used by the slimes before we fight and save them??. If the fight ends in victory then their relationship goes up slightly

Kevin Daley

Or in his own home or barn if finas not their (kidnapped by elf’s)

Kevin Daley

Also since the swamp is flooded that would push them closer to the orcs which by itself will cause some frikton.

Kevin Daley

Suggestions for your ideas. Day. Eric would most likely always be in the cave not standing outside in the rain. His camp lacs a tent. Astra would still be looking for him but she would rather be just outside the cave to scared to go in or right in the entryway which could give her a scene with a goblin or a slime. Eric thou would probably be a bit farther in then usual into the cave possibly even the village which by itself gives him other goblins to fuck or just hang out with.

Mat Ludeni

I think it would be a nice idea to introduce wet clothes and of course they see through when it rains


I was thinking about same thing for Astra, but I worry that the player will feel obligated to do it every time. I prefer to not add much events that could make the player to feel that :)


About Sister Elizabeth - it's not this kind of religion :D About Jaina - it could work, I thought about something like this too


About Alice -I'm working on her bathing illustration and planning to give her a day off :) Interesting idea about Sebastian joining Derek. What bath area do you mean for Jaina and Rose? The one where Jenna is bathing or Elven Spa? :)


She;s already naked during the rain, yes, and it;s funny idea bout Jason :D


Interesting idea about the travelers :) I will think about existing characters, but I'm not sure about adding new ones


В свое время я сделал так что ночью слаймов было больше, но потом отменил это, так как это привело к тому, что слаймы слишком быстро респавнились. На счет сисястых слаймов хорошая идея. я подумаю :)


It's a fun idea, but there are not many characters whose outfits will work with that :)