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I just recently said that I don't want to increase the chances of the new encounters and dungeons to be triggered during the hunt, because it will make it harder to test and add new encounters. But it stuck in my head anyway and several people were saying about never getting specific events they want, so I came up with a simple enough solution.

Now game, before choosing random encounter or dungeon will be going through the list of possible encounters or dungeons and checking if the player have seen it already. If not, it will have 33% extra chance to be triggered. After being triggered first time the encounter will be getting normal chances in the next hunts.

This should make it so if there is, for example, only one dungeon the player haven't seen yet it will get most chances to be triggered. Specifically it will be good for newly added encounters and dungeons.

Also at Krowly lvl 3 there will be decreased chance to get "standard" events with slimes or fairies attack, and at Krowly lvl 6 these events will be disabled.

On the old saves it will work for dungeons but for encounters the game will think that the player haven't seen any of them and will go through all the list - most likely you will get encounter with the orcs chasing Jaina and Rose first. After getting every encounter it will return to normal. Juliette's encounters won't be having this problem.

Hope it will make it easier to see all the events and dungeons :)

This will be added in the next version.



Great, it's exactly what it was needed!


That's really good! It took me quite a long time to find the quests that I hadn't done.


Простите за френч, но это ох...ительный патч!:) Мне тоже многие локации ещё не попадались. Спасибо!!!

Mark Piper

Genius! Grinding is the death of porn game enjoyment 👍 other devs should learn from you!


TY that makes it much faster to get areas you have not seen yet insted of hiting the same thing over and over


This sounds like a really good solution. 😊👍




Джилл, система охота: следущий патч должен быть офигенским.


perfect. theres a couple events i havent seen yet so im looking forward to this


Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it :D


I'm a new player of your game and to your patreon. First of all I would just say, great job on both the art, game and story! I'm really liking almost every aspect of your game and art and would love to follow it's progress😀 I'm almost inspired to try and make my own. Are you working full time on this project or as a side-job?


Thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying the game and welcome aboard :) Yes, I started doing it full time last year. For several years before that it was a side-job.


Will it be possible to have sex with this gorgeous stone girl? :D


Love it!


Sounds like a good change




Do you mean the statue on screenshot? I don't know she seams to be quite tall for Krowly to reach. Maybe