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The titfuck scene won the poll for the next scene for Jill and while I'm working on it lets choose who will get the next quest, Juliette or Priestess. Both of them will get their quests eventually but we need to choose who will be the next one :) 

I will be working on the quest winner next month (June-July). After both these quests will be in game it will be possible to start the preparation to the arrive of Great Paladin. Melissa won previous poll like this and her quest is already in game.

So, who will get your vote, hentai naturalist or mysterious priestess? ^^

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.




It's been a long time since Krowly met Juliette in my playthrough of the game, but I seem to recall that she was supposed to be a princess of some sort. Is that still the case?


Ideas requested, how about this? Juliette goes to the elf spa and disappears. Krowley investigates & finds her conducting "research" with the elves (part 1), orcs (part 2) and, for a slight change, the goblins (part 3).


For the priestess, how about her quest is to turn Eric into her champion & krowley acts as her agent to get Eric to volunteer. Some sort of clash with his relationship with astra which could be resolved by astra becoming an acolyte of the priestess.


interesting idea :D you are right, the quest with Juliette will be involving "research"


Eric will be a part of this quest, yes, but it will be slightly different :) Interesting idea about Astra


as much as i like juliette, id prefer more priestess content first tbh. juliette has quite a lot already so i can rotate her activities and not get bored. priestess doesnt have that variety yet. as usual though, im good with either choice tbh


Я крайне рад, что наконец, будет еще какое-то продвижение по мейн-квесту в ближайшее время. Но я надеюсь, что прибытие паладина будет поворотным, но не финальным событием, а началом для чего-то ещё. Кроме того некоторые персонажи из деревне всё еще нуждаются в какой-то собсвенной сюжетной ветке. Я говорю про Элис, которая пока... ну, как минимум она заметно проигрывает на фоне Джульетты.


О! И линия с демонами пока никак не развивается, я бы вообще забыл, что они есть в игре, если бы не поднимал похоть при помощи Джимма по утрам. Кстати по поводу поднятия похоти по утру. Я обратил внимание, что сиськи Агнешки можно абьюзить, они дают аж по +3 к отношению, если память мне не изменяет, и +20 похоти. Это, если память мне не изменят самый большой прирост похоти которую можно фармануть утром. Может мелкая деталь, но возможно стоит как-то это всё дело немного понерфить.


Juliette or Priestess? I vote Sister Elizabeth.


Let's go holy crowd! Would definitely be nice to see more Priestess.

Great Saxtonian

I'd be more interested in seeing the priestess first because she doesn't really have any major content, and I'd like to see some more variety and different fetishes represented


Priestess has more "possibilities" if you get what I mean ;)


Just a ide.. when Eric is "hunting" inside the goblin cave, when we click on the sign we can get the option to go on hunting solo, with lead us to the place where Juliette is, if we have som bandit cloth on, we can rape her, as i guess she would Love to happen, she talk abut it and when we first meet her, we can get the cloth from a female bandit? then again the is not much content on the Priestess, i would love to see that to, big fan <3 your work


the place were all the plant we can harvest is..*


Priestess, there's plenty of Juliette content to keep us happy atm


im for both maybe a quest where they both meet


У Агнешки раньше не было других сцен, кроме вагинальной, по этому нужнен был более быстрый способ повысить отношения. Теперь у нее появилась сцена хендджоба, так что наверное можно снизить эффект от сисек


Thanks :) No, I don't think Krowly would do it to Juliette. Priestess will get her quest even if she won't win, just later


Я гляжу на картинку и у меня возникла мысль, о том, как эти рото-сиськи жрицы сосут соски Джульетты. Грудь в грудь ^___^


Juliette has won the poll. I was thinking at this point in the game Krowly should be strong enough to protect her as long as he unlocked everything and is a master at all professions and has Meryl and Lizzy maxed out. Juliette could leave with you when you leave the village if your conducting research, and she could give you Wikipedia info on every section. When she sees some people having sex like Krowly Diane and the guard she'll take notes and get ideas for her and krowly and depending on where you at you can get ambushed which will lead to different scenes depending on if you win or lose.


Sounds fun but I don't want to make it possible for Juliette to follow Krowly on all the map. It would create a huge game-design problem/restriction :)