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This poll I want to be a bit different. Usually we are choosing the new scene, but there are a lot of scenes in game that have only pixel animation and no illustrations. Some of them are waiting for an illustration for a very very long time :)

This list includes only the scenes that had no illustrations at all. I have a different list for the illustrations that should be redrawn.

Gosh, that's still a long list xD



Я аж поперхнулся


Кстати пару мыслей, было бы неплохо сделать сцену Дженны и Эрика по принципу Джайны и Эрика, что бы Кроули в будущем мог к ним присоединиться.


Fina punishing Krowly is the hottest pixel scene in the game imo.


И по поводу минета Дианы у меня была мысль, чтобы Кроули мог к ним присоединиться, если у них уже была груповушка, и Диана сосала бы два члена, я имею ввиду возможно она могла бы засунуть оба члена в рот одновременно.


Фина как обычно лидирует сходу.


I agree that punishing Krowly is really hot. I think animations between NPCs add a lot more to the game since they happen organically, they make the game feel more alive. So even though Krowly being punished is hot, I think overall seeing two NPCs go at it while I'm out exploring ends up being hotter.


All of them of course! XD


В игру наиграл уже 100+ часов, сцены с Эриком и Джайной так и не увидел


Now as a suggestion I know your polls are usually a new scene one we pick and sometimes you choose one your self but maybe have two polls one for the old scene that have no art and one for the new one or even alternate each month between new and old scene polls


Непросто такое нарисовать будет :D Я подумаю но пока ничего обещать не могу.


Yeah, I agree and I love the scenes between npc too :) In the near future I'm planning to add small pixelart scenes between goblingirls, a scene with Derek and Taisha, a scene with wine merchant fucking an elf in the tent and etc.


Эту сцену можно получить если проиграть бой в кристальной пещере (данжен куда мы идем после таго как встречаем Джайну и Роуз на поляне). Затем ее можно повторять в деревне


We'll see how it will be going :) We also need to make the illustrations for the old characters, and add new story related characters, and new monster girls... There are a lot of work :)


Will you be illustrating the top two? Because both Fina scenes would be awesome for the next update.


Huh, noticed that Conlan (the male border guard) disappears Sunday Afternoon. I looked everywhere and didn't find him. He reappears later in the tent at night and triggers the scene as normal. Wasn't sure if this was intentional or not.

Kawaii poni

я честно проголосовал за все сцены)))


I agree with all of them. Maybe squeeze in one or two every other update?


Can't promise right now, I'll start with one and then we will see how it will be going


Thank you, I have fixed it, it will be working right in the next version :)


It would be nice, I want all of them will be in game eventually. We'll see how it will go


Я там заметил интересную пиксельку, где Кроули расположен между двух орков. Возможно ли, что это те два орка из лагеря?


Fina gets revenge on Krowly for perping. Unleashes the 12 inch monster


Это я сделал на будущее, но пока нигде не использовал ) Думал может будет сцена где Кроули проигрывает нескольким оркам ^^ Хм.. возможно и для окров из лагеря можно использовать, я пока не думал о таком сценарии


Is that 2 orcs and krowley?


Yes :) It wasn't used in game yet, but I think someday we will find a use for it


There reaaaaally needs to be more futa elf everything. I’m being 100% honest

Te Tule

Where is the Jaina Eric scene?


This scene happens when you lose during the adventure in the crystal cave (at the hunt with Eric when you meet Jaina and Rose). After that first time it can be repeated if you tell Eric at the morning to train with Jaina