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Sketch number 5 won the recent poll, so now we should decide which characters will be involved in this scene. Here are some ideas that I came up with, or that were suggested. The first name in the row is the girl on the left side. 

  • 1. Carla, Alice and Krowly. Simple one. Every time Krowly buys Carla's dish 10 times, he will get a special one, with an extra service ;) Of course he should have good relationship with both of the girls. Feel free to suggest other possible requirements for this scene.
  • 2. Fina, Astra and Krowly. The most obvious one. Astra being jealous  about Krowly cumming on Fina's portrait (or her face and boobs) are forcing him to decide which one's face is sexier. Other idea for them - Fina is trying to teach Astra some discipline with Krowly's help.
  • 3.  Jill, Carla and Krowly. At the late night in the tavern, after way too much beer Jill is starting to making out with Carla and sucking her breasts giving Krowly a nice show with the reward at the end.  (Jill and Carla are childhood friends, I'm not sure if it was mentioned somewhere in game already but it settled in the drafts for future scenes. In the future there could be more drinking scenes in the tavern.) Other idea for them - Jill and Carla are going into the spa, and when they are meeting Krowly there they are asking him for some lotion :D
  • 4. Jenna, Eric and Krowly. Jenna is finding Eric trying on some sexy ligerie and deciding to teach him small lesson with Krowly's help :)
  • 5. Juliette, Alice and Krowly. Juliette is fighting with Alice for Krowly's dick, and Krowly is forced to decide which one he prefer. Or cum on both ;)
  • 6. Juliette, Jenna, and Krowly. As the continuation of the facefuck scene with Jenna.

All ideas will have an option to cum on both faces. 

Feel free to suggest other ideas of how this scene happened for these character combinations :) 

P.S. I usually choose second scene from the poll by myself, so I think I will choose number 3 or number 7.  


Dylan Mulvenna

Maybe one with Jaina, Krowly and eric


4 Sounds too good


1 and 3 for me, I'm totally biased for Carla. The more scenes for her, the better ;)


Option number two sounds the most enticing to me, I hope it wins out!


I'm going with Fina and Astra, but putting Erik in some lingerie is a thought I've had for a while now since you see the dress in his mother's room. Maybe he occasionally tries it on?


Also, are you planning to do anything with Aunt Jenna bathing in the pond in the village?


Could have it as an alternative to the scene behind the bar with Jaina and Rose, interrupt enough times that Rose interrupts back.


I literally can’t decide I love all these ideas. Fina and astra is number one for me. Carla and Alice giving their best customer a special dish would be great and final I said it from the beginning Juliette and Alice competing would be amazing


I have to vote Eric and Jenna, I can't say no to hot gay action.


Whatever characters are chosen it will make a great scene


Now it’s just an idea but what if it’s Eric krowly and jaina. Or krowly rose and jaina either one happens be hind the inn with jaina giving the facial


I literally cannot choose ffs


Варианты 3, 4 и 6 лично у меня не вызывают вопросов. 4 вариант правда неожиданный. Я хотел в предыдущем опросе в шутку предложить Эрика и Астру) Я думаю что 4 вариант дествительно очень хорош, но лично я не заинтересован в гей-контенте. Поэтому я буду болеть за другой вариант.


i love it!


Cum in the jar 15 times. Jerk off on portert 10 times. Buy 10 Lunches. Bring me 10 bear skins. Can be not need to? :) I think something less repetitive is better. I suggested some variants of this scene in the previous poll. It may also be worth adding this scene as a variant of flirting with Carla. For example, in the evening, if Krowly did not cum on Carla and Alice in the afternoon, you can ask Carla to cum on her. Then she will notice that Krowly's tank is probably full and ask Alice to help her. I don't think this option will win, but I hope Carla and Alice will nonetheless get a stage together in the future.


А сколько лет Карле и Джилл? Я думал Карла несколько старше.


Carla and Jill :)


In the case of Fina and Astra, I'm more inclined to the option where Fina teaches Astra. I thought it might be in the morning in Astra's room (As it was on old art, hehe)), after Fina and Juletta's night. Fina was lecturing Astra when Krowly came in, and Fina take this opportunity. But in my opinion this is a really difficult scene, here you need to think carefully about this scenario. So once in the head thoughts do not come.


these are all great options. its surprisingly hard to choose!


Man I'm so torn on this. On one hand, Fina and Astra have a criminally low amount of scenes, and its clear everyone else feels the same. But on the other hand, Carla is my favorite girl, and even despite the fact she has a lot of scenes already, I always want more.


I also have an idea that when Krowly and Eric find the black lingerie Krowly could give it to Eric ;)


I want to draw a picture of her bathing. With huge floating breasts :D I wanted to make this illustration this month. but the month are already ended


I like this idea, but I see this scene a bit different. With Rose forcing Krowly to deepthroat, or stroking his dick ^^


I also want, at some point, a bisexual scene with Astra, Eric and Krowly. And maybe with Fina ;)


I agree that similar scene with Jaina could be hot, but I fill like the sketch of the girl on the left doesn't match every character. I think it will work better so somebody more femine and mature. I'm sure we will get a scene with Jaina some other time :)


Я думал об Астре и Эрике, но мне эта сцена видится несколько иначе, плюс поза девушки слева не очень подходит ни Эрику ни Астре, имхо. Поэтому я решил добавить вариант с Дженной :)


Well, player will be buying Carla's lunch anyway, since he needs food, and this scene could be a pleasant surprise. All the game is build around repetitive tasks, the question is how to make it "juicer" by adding more small sexy moment, random events, funny dialogues, and surprise scenes. I'll think about adding this as a flirt option too :)


Кроули 23. Думаю Джилл где то 28-30, а Карле 29-32. Пока точно не решил


I want to add this teaching scene, but I feel like it should be a blowjob or tittyfucking scene. Similar to number 8 in the previous poll. Or even a bisexual scene with Eric involved as a training partner.


Glad to hear that :) I was trying to do it this way, so the poll would be more interesting


Glad you like Carla :) Well, she get an updated illustration in this update, so maybe she could let Fina and Astra to participate this scene :D It looks like they are going to win


I can't recall knowing of Carla and Jill being childhood friends. So I'm intrigued to hear some stories involving them, maybe at those forementioned "drunken evening events" ^^


Carla and Alice are like peanut butter and chocolate, it's a perfect combination. Let's go folks.


Yeah, I'd like to add some scenes like this too. And also some girl on girl action with them two ;)