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 So, it's time to choose the next scene :) Here you can see four new sketches, two old, and two super old (7,8). You can choose all the sketches you like, and feel free to share you thoughts which characters could be involved (excluding the sketches with busty elf - these scenes are for her only :D). I'll choose the characters by myself, but it's always interesting to hear your ideas.

I'll also choose the second one scene by myself :)




Number 1 is pretty hot, but I absolutely LOVE number 8


Will Agneizka(?) get any more scenes?


Thanks! Number 8 is pretty old. It will require some extra work to fix, but I still like the idea :)


I have some ideas for two scenes with her, but sketches aren't ready yet :)


Глаза разбегаются. А можно всех? xD Ну а вообще, суккубы и тентакли форевер. Хотелось бы увидеть события с персонажами из скетчей 5, 7 и 8 с интересной предысторией) P.S. было бы клёво добавить ивент, где суккуба отращивает член. Она же в конце концов воплощение табу. А у краули давно вырисовываются черты открытого бисексуала ;)

Dylan Mulvenna

Love all them, my two favorite are 4 and 8.


Voting one, because anything with two dicks touching is gay and gay is the best.


The sketch number 1 from the last poll is not available this time? It was pretty hot, anal with futanari elf


number 1 but switch the orc with astra


Рад, что нравится :) На счет интересных историй я постараюсь :D Вариант суккубихи с членом будет, но я сперва хочу добавить несколько нетипичных для суккубих "холодных" сцен - handjob, buttjob, и т.д. Мне нравится образ суккубихи которая не в восторге от своей работы :D Но потом у нее конечно может появиться интерес


wow great scetches 7 and 8 could be great for a Minotaur Girl with smaller tits or a demon Girl or a hot Futa demon; and 8 for a saved Girl and the futa you saved her from 4 and 5 I see a Group fuck scene after or during a Adventure with Daina, Crowly, Erik and Rose? Butt 7 and 8 are clearly the best made and hottest imho.


Hehe, you made me smile :D Glad you like this scene. After your comment it started getting a lot more votes, lol


I'll add it in the poll next time :) We already have "futa on male" and yaoi scenes this month, so I want something a little more straight. But I love that sketch too, and you can be sure that we will have in game a scene with Krowly fucking elf dickgirl in the ass. Every dickgirl in game will get such scene in the future ;)


:) I'm curious, you are thinking that two dicks in Astra's butt will belong to Eric and Krowly or Jaina and Krowly?


Interesting idea about a minotaur, I haven't thought abut it :) A saved girl - do you mean Juliette or Fina? For number 4 - yes, I hd same idea. And for number 5 I thought it could e Carla. Rose's body type isn't matching the sketch 5 very good :D We need more thick girls in game I guess


Love number 8, because it's an original pose I've never seen anyone do before....and it's hot, of course.


Voted 4 and 5, really want to see more, quote/unquote 'game over' scenes with monsters.


And I also like nr.3, though it would be Jenna instead of Fina, I imagine some kind of repeat quest to collect milk as a reagent for potions... Hell what about giving Agneshka the part... She has no purpose so far despite those huge tidies;)


1 Astra or Rose, I always like more Astra content lol. Or number 7 Astra. 8 could be Fina and Juliette, on the scene where she's following you. Not sure which would be in each position. Finas chest is bigger and Juliette has an obsession with your cum sooooo she's probably sucking lol. And if you make the super cum potion that, scenes with two women would be a good place to start making it available. Like Juliette learns how to make it and asks for you to try it out on an adventure together.


In time maybe all the girls milk can be collectible, with varried effects for each ;)


Carla would be hot she is in her tavern anyhow lol as are the others. Thick Girls would be hot esp. with big asses and an Tiny waste I was Talking About a random "saved Girl" like it could be a new one but julliete would make sense. But the hottest candidate would be the guard-girl so she could be a returning charackter Maybe?


i like them all =D


never thought of that i personally was thinking of Eric and krowly but bot ideas sound hot


I like #4 with Krowly and Eric spitroasting Jenna (maybe on Thursdays?)


Thank you! :) I have drawn this one two years ago and seen similar pose in art a couple of times after that :D I don't think that I was the first one


Hmm.. yeah, it could happen. Or Eric comes home, sees how Krowly is deepthroating Jenna, and decides to shove his dick into Jenna's ass :D


Oh, it's a good idea :) Extra deep double massage xD


I see. :) Yes, it makes sense. Guard girl is possible option. Also we have two unfinished and kinda forgotten characters, the drunk elf who gives titjob to Krowly in the camp, and the milf elf in the tent. Maybe it could be one of them.


Yes, Jenna and Agneshka are good candidates :) Funny idea about the milk, it could be a thing when we will have some more lactation events and scenes ^^


Yes, I thought about Astra too when I included the sketch #7 into this list :D I think she could have funny dialogues in this scene. Interesting Idea about Fina and Juliette. Fina already has a paizuri scene, but there is never enough of paizuri , right? Super cum potion.. hmm.. maybe big dick potion? So Krowly's dick would be big enough for both girls to enjoy


Whatever you like to do, just in general: I do like it when scenes are also tied into the gameplay ;) you'll get the most out of the scenes if they are repeatable and have some minor use in the gameplay, apart from the dialog + your excellent artwork. But just don't turn it into a Breeding Season scenario, so it;s not a grind to collect these as an infinite resource.


She would! Something about being all pissed off about you being in her dreams again. Or she could be masturbating one morning and you catch her but she catches you peaking and just says "fuck it, at least be useful" then Fina could make a comment.


That's true there is a fair bit of paizuri, more is good, I like. Both ideas, it could be some quest Juliette sends you on to the futa elves, to learn the wonders of their size and "potency" lol


About the drunk elf, it could be funny and kinda a sort of running gag to find her in her drunken state at the strangest of places over the course of the game. She herself has no idea how she got there but that doesn't stop her from having fun with Krowly.


I wanted to say that 8 would be cool for Fina and Astra, Fina teaching Astra a little something from over the shoulder, but then again, both of them already have boobjob art. the double anal or the spit roast would be fun with any character, but I think it would be best with Jill between Krowley and Jaina. I know you said about not wanting anyone other than krowley with her but it doesnt count of its sharing ;). I also like the idea of the double anal with Astra, but with Jaina instead of eric, its already funny that you can fuck her while eric can barely talk to her but a threesome is even better. honestly almost all the options here in the comment sound so good to me


Yes, it could be funny :) But I need to develop her as a character a bit more first to make the choice


Love your suggestion for what Astra could say :D Sounds like her. I also think she could be ok with a little friendly hotdogging, but pissed off that Krowly's cum fell on the dress/hair


I'll be thinking about the possible quest, not everything is ready for this yet


Did I say this about Jill? I can't remember the context. I'm ok with scenes where Jill is teasing Krowly by giving Eric handjob/buttjob, or a scene where Kroly and Eric fucking Jill together. Also scenes where Jill catching some poor tentacle monster or orc and using him for pleasure is ok too. Or some cute scene between Jill and Carla. But I don't want these scenes to be NTR for Krowly. Also in my mind Jaina are not so brave before Jill, because she is confused that Jill is much stronger in battle then Jaina :)


About Astra and Jaina - not sure. There is funny dynamic in triangle Krowly-Astra-Eric, and Jaina will be just a huge dick in this scene. Hm.. maybe is I have a really good idea for story of how this happened. For now Eric and Krowly have a lot more chances to fuck Astra's butt together :) P.S.: Triangle Jaina-Eric-Krowly has it's dynamic too, but it's a different story :D


№5. Scene with tentacles or Slime for Crowley


Exellent Points all three of them would be nice in at least one Scene and with more character development, Boy i almost forgot the drunk elf chick and the Idea About Meeting her in different Locations is great! You could do a poll who will be the first of them and how Girl or Futa or like a Secret With or Trap?


context wise i think someone said something about wanting to see jaina screwing jill and yeah, you said you werent into NTR for krowley. im also not into NTR for the most part, but i just love the whole dynamic of astra trying to pretend shes not into anything, and is somehow doing it for eric, and her still saying "im getting ready for him" while getting double stuffed. there is just so many good options that can come from these sketches. i hope we have the opportunity for more than one double anal scene in the future, sharing is caring :)


Sorry, I'm not quite get it :) ( don't forget, my english isn't very good) Do you mean to make a poll where will be possible to choose who will be the characters on the first sketch? Or the poll about the drunk elf? :)


Hey. These are the scenes that I wanted to draw for a long time :D Tentacles and slimes are not so easy to render so I need to be prepared for this.


Yep, you can sure that there will be more anal and double anal scenes in the future ^__^


oh yeah I am not a native Speaker either so it is possibly my bad ;) I suggested basicly polls About eveything as Long as the Outcome is enough futa Action lol and as Long it is not to much work for you!


Wondering if mistress Melissa and/or Elizabeth the nun would be in on the fun? ;) Or perhaps the Succubbus?


Sister Elizabeth is a possible option :) I think this won't be a first double anal for her

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-16 07:59:24 Ever thought of creating a dark elf character ( sorta Lineage 2 type) in the basement of the spa? Krowly would break a few rules and/or jaws to sample an ass like that <3 :D
2019-08-27 18:54:05 Ever thought of creating a dark elf character ( sorta Lineage 2 type) in the basement of the spa? Krowly would break a few rules and/or jaws to sample an ass like that <3 :D

Ever thought of creating a dark elf character ( sorta Lineage 2 type) in the basement of the spa? Krowly would break a few rules and/or jaws to sample an ass like that <3 :D


I'd say maybe in the future. Dark elves and drows isn't what I usually like to draw, but the drawing Alia gangbang scene was quite a fun :)