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I was sneaking in a few days here and there to work on my Godot project, and here is the progress.

To make the village resemble the village I added some tiles and furniture, some custom made, some based on these free ones.

To separate the project from WaB I replaced the characters (except Sebastian for now) with the ones I was painting for YouTube videos. The village would require more characters of course.

Most issues with the NPC navigation and movement were resolved. Now the NPCs will detect if they are stuck and attempt to unstuck themself. The only issue that still needs to be resolved, is when one NPC pushes another one out of navigation area (causes a spectacular freeze of whole game).

I added the items, inventory and containers system, that works with save system and for both Player and NPCs.

Containers are the type of intractable objects I have in the project, that the player can activate to perform that object's action. Open the chest, sit on the stool in the bar, etc. In the future I would like to have NPCs interact with some of these objects too, so their behavior would be more alive. For now they only interact with their beds.

I would also want some containers to have assigned owners, so NPC would treat items in them as if they were in their inventory. Store owner will be selling them, and maybe if we sneak in and put a dildo into lady's bedroom chest it will be used some time.

Don't know yet if the player will be allowed to steal the items or only to check what is in the container that belong to an NPC. Freedom is nice, but I'm not sure how I would want NPC to react.

For now I still don't know details about this project and if it will become a game, but it helps with learning to work on it as if it would become a game someday.

Will it be my next game? Maybe, I need to work on it some more first to decide.


Learning Godot. Test 2

A progress on my Godot learning project. I have changed the look of NPCs, added some tiles to, improved the NPCs' navigation so they will detect if they are stuck and attempt to unstuck themself, the inventory and containers system, etc.



Mind if I ask what the major differences between Godot and rpgmaker are?


rpg maker VX Ace is an a very old engine tailored for making JRPGs. Godot is up to date and you can make any type of games in it, from something like what I make to a realistic FPS. It's closer to Unity and Unreal 5. Not so graphically impressive, but it got much better recently, and it's a lot lighter and easier to run. So difference is like between toolbox and a lego set :D


love it so far mate and looks dope and it's nice how smoother it runs because it's made in godot. just keep up the work and maybe we'll all be able to enjoy this game just as we enjoy WaB rn


When are we going to see a Godot port?