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Happy holidays everyone!! :D Here's another mostly completed animation for ya all I for

Just wanted to take a moment to give a quick general update on progress towards the next update - currently it's looking like I'm around halfway done overall with the new sprites, possibly a touch further - currently I'm expecting the next update to release in march, though it's possible it could be sooner - I may try and put together another production schedule once we get into the new year, but one thing I've learned so far is that redoing these animations is wildly inconsistent with how long each takes - I've had an animation 20 frames long I was able to completely redo in a single day, and others take upwards of a week.

That said, I think I've already taken care of some of the most difficult animations (running and the various swallowing animations especially), so I'm optimistic about the time the rest will take.

I plan on taking the remainder of December off to spend time with family, but I'll still be around if anyone has any questions!



Virgile Lefranc

Cool but dont force youself take time beside it's christmas take a deserved break. Go see your friend and familly and come back fully ready to work ! Thanks for your hard work. We'll be waiting with exitment for the new thing that you are preparing for us ! Have some nice holydays !